Location & Venue

Location & Venue

The ICALS24 Conference will be held in the beautiful city of Erbil, Kurdistan, north of Iraq. With more than 7,000 years of history and, today, a UNESCO World Heritage site, Erbil (or Hawler, as the locals call it) is the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. Erbil is a city of traditions with fantastic old bazaars, cafés, and historical sites, which can be visited while you bump into so many friendly locals, who you will likely share a cup of chai (tea) with you. For more information we recommend visiting Erbil Lifestyle website. For accommodation we also recommend checking Booking.com 

The main venue for the ICACS24 conference will be at Knowledge University campus located at the suburbs of the city, near Kirkuk road (map). The university campus spans about 1,125 Square Km of land, encompassing modern style architecture buildings surrounded by beautiful gardens . The university campus has the potential for future expansion and there are plans for new colleges and departments.