

As an an elementary teacher, it is my responsibility to provide my students with the foundational math skills to allow mastery of concepts. Over my decade long teacher career, I have been introduced to multiple math products and tools that are designed to support math instruction in the classroom, from textbooks (Nelson Education) to programs (JUMP Math), there is no shortage of materials in the educational market. Furthermore, my own perceptions about mathematics stem from how I was taught with traditional methods of instruction which caused anxiety towards the subject matter. In today's digital age, technology affords our 21st century educators and learners to experience math in a more engaging, individualized approach.


"Fifty-five per cent of Canadian adults have inadequate numeracy skills—a significant increase from a decade ago."

(The Conference Board of Canada, 2012)

"Math is not my forte." We may have heard excuses or viewed headlines sparking controversy about the inadequacy of math skills amongst elementary teachers. The Ontario College of Teachers’ enforced a Math Proficiency Test in 2019 for incoming teachers to be certified but the requirement was removed just this year by the decision of the Ontario Superior Court Justice. There is an obvious need for teacher support to bolster student achievement in mathematics. Knowledgehook provides educators with the digital resources to support math instruction for students in order address gaps and misconceptions.