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Somaliland Constitution

The Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland sets out the fundamental principles that citizens abide by in their everyday lives. It is divided by four parts which contain 130 Articles, and ratified on the 12th December 2000. Individuals who reside and are nationals of the country, have their rights set out in this document. It came into effect in 2001.

Access the Constitution here:

History of Somaliland

The history of the nation is critical in understanding the current events occurring in Somaliland. A key example of this is the breakaway from Somalia, which has resulted in an independent state that is Somaliland, which has its own capital, currency and judicially (despite several nations across the globe not internationally recognising this).

Access the History here:

United Nations and Somaliland

Somaliland has decided to suspend any cooperation with the United Nations due to the government becoming irritated with the intergovernmental organisation. This has led to outrage as individuals claim that this has made the government in Somaliland more powerful, yet not beneficial to the nation, particularly to the human right violations. As Somaliland has suspended cooperation, this means that they are not party to international treaties that other UN members must follow and incorporate into their national laws.

Access information of this dispute here:

Annual Report of Somaliland Human Rights Commission

The Annual Report is essential to the development of the nation as it outlines any violations, legislation or events that go against individuals human rights. Additionally, it includes information on how people can file a human right complaint, which is important as individuals' lives can be challenged with limited help from their own nation.

Access the Annual Report here:

Somaliland Legal System

The Legal System of any nation is vital as it highlights the functioning of the ministers and the creation of legalisation. The Somaliland legal system contrasts from western legal systems as it includes Sharia Law, which is the religious law of Islam, as the majority of the nation are practising Muslims. As Sharia Law is incorporated into national law, citizens are expected to obey and carry out the Islamic practices set out by the government which hold the same amount of weight in the nation as the legal system.

Access the Somaliland Legal System here:

Somaliland Judicial System

The judicial system in Somaliland is a vital sector of the legal system as it deals with any claims surrounding the topic of Sharia law, as well as other cases such as tax invasions and violent crimes. The appointment of the judiciary is a unique process as the requirements contrast from other states, an example of this is at the age of 65, a judge can no longer hold their seat.

Access the Judicial System here:

Recommendations to the Government of Somaliland

Recommendations are crucial as they set out the errors of the government, as witnessed by individuals, to which comments are given on how to repair and correct these issues, set out by the independent organisations and groups. The Human Rights Watch is an organisation that studies and analyses the actions carried out by the government and watches the effect that it has on individuals, in particular, any human rights violations that may occur. One recommendation that was set out by them was to introduce legislation that would establish a framework for the licensing of private radio broadcasters. This is vital as freedom of press is currently compromised due to the unwillingness of the government to allow radio stations to gain a license, as broadcasters would be able to freely voice their opinion.

Access the Recommendations here:

Human Rights Centre Somaliland

To report a human rights violation in Somaliland, please contact the Human Rights Centre which documents, monitors and assists victims of human right abuses by clicking the link below.
