privacy policy

App Name: Princess Fantasia

Developer Name: DaeJin Jeong

DaeJin Jeong (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') values ​​the personal information of users and abides by the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.

Through the personal information handling policy, the company informs you about the purpose and method of using the personal information provided by users and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

※ Purpose and items of personal information collection

The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.

(1) Fee settlement, content provision, service and guidance according to service provision and contract implementation and service provision

(2) Provision of content, provision of specific customized services, official purchase authentication, purchase and payment

(3) Marketing/advertisement use (delivery of advertising information such as events, identification of access frequency, provision of statistical services on member service use and advertisement posting)

(4) Items of personal information collection: unique device number (device ID or IMEI)

※ How to collect personal information

(1) Automatically collected by installing/running or using the program

(2) Collection by voluntary provision through user inquiries (e-mail) during service subscription or use

※ Period of retention and use of personal information

Users' personal information will be destroyed without delay when the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved. However, the following information is retained for the period specified for the following reasons.

(1) In accordance with the terms and conditions and policies, records of illegal use are kept for one year to prevent illegal use and deleted after this period has elapsed.

(2) In accordance with the Commercial Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., and the Communication Secret Misinformation Act, personal information that is obligated to preserve is stored as follows.

-According to the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, etc., “records on contract or subscription withdrawal, etc.” for 5 years, “records on payment and supply of goods” for 5 years, and “records related to consumer complaints or dispute handling” record” is retained for 3 years

-According to the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., “records pertaining to identity verification” are preserved for 6 months

-According to the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, “computer communications or Internet log records related to the fact that users of computer communications or the Internet used telecommunications services” are preserved for three months

-According to the Framework Act on National Tax, “national tax-related documents and evidence” are preserved for 5 years

※ Procedure and method of destruction of personal information

In principle, the company destroys the information without delay after the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved.

The destruction procedure and method are as follows.

-Personal information stored in electronic file format will be deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.

-Personal information printed on paper is shredded with a shredder or destroyed through incineration.

※ Rights of users and legal representatives and how to exercise them

(1) Users and their legal representatives can inquire or modify the registered personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 at any time, and may request cancellation of membership (withdrawal of membership) or deletion of information.

(2) Users or children under the age of 14 may use “My Information” in the service to inquire or modify personal information of the user, and may apply for cancellation of membership (withdrawal of membership) at any time. Or, if you contact the person in charge of personal information protection in writing, by phone or by e-mail, we will take action without delay.

(3) If a user requests correction of errors in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.

(4) The company handles personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of users or their legal representatives as specified in “5. Period of retention and use of personal information” and is not allowed to be viewed or used for other purposes.

※ Provision of personal information to third parties

In principle, the company does not provide users' personal information to external parties.

However, exceptions are made in the following cases.

- If the user consents in advance

- When there is a request from the investigation agency in accordance with the provisions of the law or in accordance with the procedures and methods stipulated in the law for the purpose of investigation

※ Consignment of collected personal information

The company does not entrust the customer's information to an external company without the customer's consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify the customer of the consignee and the details of the consigned work, and obtain prior consent if necessary.

※ Matters concerning the installation and operation of the automatic personal information collection device and its rejection

The company automatically collects the device identification number (device ID or IMEI) when the user runs the service to create account information.

If the user refuses to automatically collect the device identification number, the service cannot be used.

※ Contact information of the person in charge of personal information protection

You can report all complaints related to personal information protection that occur while using the company's services to the person in charge of personal information protection. The company will promptly and sufficiently respond to users' reports.

-Personal Information Protection Officer

--Name: DaeJin Jeong
