Self Defense Stun Gun

Stun Guns Can be Efficient Tools for Fending Off Attackers!

Stun guns are not considered by many to be firearms and are generally legal in the whole United States for civilian use. When a stun is discharged, it projects

two small electric prongs that will deliver an electric current which can cause debilitating pain.

These guns have no effect on individuals wearing heavy clothing but they can be used effectively against assailants who bare skin. The only exception is when the

person has been in contact with a live high voltage wire and they come in contact with another live wire while being attacked, then the device may have

deadly results.

Old and Modern Versions

We're all familiar with the idea of a taser or stun. It's a device that can deliver an electric shock to someone, and it shocks you for a brief moment before it

wears off. But how does it work?

These guns were originally developed back in 1993 by Rick Smith and Tom Swift Jr., two men who wanted to create something that would incapacitate unruly suspects without taking their life—a safer alternative to guns. The brainchild of Smith and Swift was the TASER, which stands for Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle.

The idea was based on the idea of launching conductive darts attached to a target with a battery and wires. Today, this tool fires two darts and delivers a

stunning shock with 50,000 volts per dart (100,000 volts total). These darts are attached to the gun by wires that run back to a power source in the gun


The stun guns we know today use compressed air and nitrogen instead of wires and batteries. This makes them safer for humans because there is no live wire during use, removing an element of shock danger for the user as well as a potential for electrocution for the

target if something goes wrong.

Stop an Attacker Coming to You

The best way to avoid a violent attack is to know how to use a stun weapon. It provides protection that can be more effective than just shouting, especially

in crowded areas or spaces where there is little room for movement. The only thing you require is proper understanding of this device and knowing to use


Stun devices have been used with great success around the world as a self-defense tool because they are effective weapons against an attacker without the risk of

serious injury being inflicted on yourself by mistake. Most importantly, they cannot be overused or misused in any way—they act exactly as advertised when

used properly and produce minimal recoil when discharged.

Speed of a Stun Device

You're walking through an alley when suddenly two men jump out in front of you. One grabs your purse, and the other pulls out a knife, demanding your cash. You try

to get away but one of them pins you down while the other rips open your bag.

As they're trying to find your wallet, you manage to pull out a stun that was tucked away in your pocket and hit them with it.

Seconds later they drop to the ground and start twitching. As soon as you get away from them, you take out your cell phone to call the police, who arrive a few minutes later and arrest one of the men, but the other gets away.

Stun Weapons: Consequences!

A stun works by delivering an electrical current that disrupts a person's central nervous system and causes them to lose control of their body. The effect is

similar to being Tasered by police.

The current used in most stun guns, however, is not strong enough to stop a would-be attacker, and there have been reports of people surviving the stun

gun, including cases where the person has continued attacking their victim after receiving a shock.

With other stuns, there are theories on how they work, but likely the best answer comes from real-life experience rather than scientific investigation. Police

officers who work with these guns say that they are made to look like real guns and carry high voltage batteries that are usually either in holsters or belts.