Careers Webcasts

The Careers Portal

Watch this webcast to learn all about the Careers support and information  available on the Knightsfield School Careers Portal

Skills / Competencies (Unifrog)

Skills are so important for the world of work and are necessary for application forms, CVs and interviews.

This webcast will talk you through the difference between hard and soft skills, and explain how to add your skills / competencies to the Unifrog platform.  

Careers Library (Unifrog)

This webcast will talk you through how to use the Careers Library to search for Jobs and Careers you might consider.  There are a number of ways to search for jobs, including by Subject(s), Competency, Theme, Key Word, Quiz Results and more.

Activities (Unifrog)

This webcast will explain how to add Activities to the Unifrog platform.  It is really important to record Activities, as they will be useful to you when you are filling in applications for College / University / Apprenticeships / Jobs.  They will also be really helpful to look through before an interview.

Interests Profile

This webcast will explain how to take the Interests Profile Quiz on the Unifrog platform.  It will suggest Subjects and Careers that you may enjoy based on your interests.

Personality Quiz

This webcast will explain how to take the Personality Quiz on the Unifrog platform.  It will suggest Subjects and Careers that you may enjoy based on your personality.

CV / Resume 

This webcast will talk you through how to create a CV on Unifrog.  If you enter all of the necessary information, the platform will create the CV in the correct format.  

Post 16 / Post 18 Choices

This webcast will talk you through how to use the Unifrog platform to help you plan for the future.  It also explains the Post 16 Intentions tool on the platform.

Work Experience

This webcast will describe various ways you can contact employers to enquire about a work experience placement.  It will give you useful tips to make a successful phone call or write a good email.

The Locker

This is a short webcast explaining how the locker can be used to save important documents, such as certificates, CVS, personal statements etc.

An Introduction to Apprenticeships

This webcast will explain what Apprenticeships are, the different levels available and how you can use the Unifrog tool to help you find apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships - Myth Busting

This webcast is all about busting the myths about Apprenticeships and explains how to use the Unifrog platform to search or Apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships - Diamond 9

This webcast will invite you to consider what is important to you when considering an Apprenticeship and how to use the Unifrog platform to search for an Apprenticeship

Interview Skills - Competency based Questions

This webcast will talk you through some of the most commonly asked Competency based questions and will explore where you can be recording your skills (competencies) on the Unifrog platform.

Assessment Centres

In this webcast you will find out what an Assessment Centre is and the different types of tasks that may be required of you at an Assessment Centre.

Goal Setting

During this webcast you will learn about the 5 principles of Goal Setting.  You will also be shown how to use the Locker on Unifrog to record your goals.


In this webcast you will learn about MOOCs - what they are, why they are worth exploring and where you can find them.