Total noob here, just picked up the game a few days ago. Looking to roll my 4th toon and I'm torn between cleric and berserker. I know in the long run the cleric unlocks the Paladin and the berserker unlocks the dark knight.

skull merchant and knight have no mobility. you can pre-shift w from generators. if they commit to you, they lose. if they do not commit to you, you can chip at generator and gen regression is slower then progression.

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the only killers that can start a match and defend a 3 gen are trapper (debatable) hag maybe doc and obviously knight and the merchant but non of these killers has the lethality that makes it hopeless unless there is a snowball effect.

3 genning as skull merchant with full gen slowdown on a map like RPD, where drones can be placed on different levels to patrol gens has to be the most miserable experience ever. I played vs that a few days ago and it went on forever.

you are right i forgot to put blast mine which is a great time waster against gen kicking perks (and if the survivor decides to hide around the gen gives them time to run away). prove thyself is good vs knights/merchants/twins when people should be grouped up in pairs but more situational against say a legion or plague where you want to seperate and finish gens alone.

Skull merchant just needs a complete power rework. Having a power that revolves around proxying the survivors objectives is such an unfun power to go against of even play for that matter. She is weak as hell in chases as all she can do is m1, but she can stop people extremely well from being able to progress the game. Solo q does not stand a chance at being able to coordinate enough to get past her 3 gen strategy, people end up in 30+ minute matches of basically making a tiny amount of progress, all survivors can do is either, make little progress, die or do nothing, even a swf struggle against her and this tactic.

That's completely valid especially the point with knight. You enter a single loop and he spawns his minion and you become zoned. W keying doesn't work anymore as now Knight players have gotten smarter and utilize minions unpredictably. Nurse is just a whole other topic, her lunge itself is crazy enough after blinking.

Skull merchant can't chase, she is designed to be defending killer. It was bad idea to release her after knight, who had same playstyle. But that is result of survivors complaining about antiloop killers...

Skull merchant stalling was nerfed,i don't get why you are crying so much.In fact the guy who has the highest winstreak on Skull merchant in Europe if not globally doesn't even camp with her and instead goes for chases.I can personally attest to that,her purple haste addon paired with STBFL or Bamb is disgusting.Breaking a 3 gen with virtually no regression in sight is not a difficult task.

With the knight there really is no counterplay to having 2 killers chase you and zone you if you're away from, or he's pushing you away from the flag. I think it's more than unfun, but overly strong in chase. He shouldn't be able to shut down a chase in under 20 seconds just because he can, hence he should either not have the ability to chase survivors with a minion or have a long cooldown between spawning minions. I don't think that's unreasonable

Skull merchant is still constantly 3 gening from the beginning of the game, I'm yet to see one that doesn't, and protects them the whole game, solo q doesn't stand a chance against that, and I only solo q when I play survivor, we cannot communicate to coordinate enough to counter that. The whole design of her power being proxying areas was a terrible idea and again don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a redo of her powers design. The amount of people that dc against her because they don't want to deal with it/don't want an insanely long match is immense.

Knight is a hold w killer.If he drops a guard in a loop just run.Do it right and you don't get hunted.Exhaustion perks make his minions obsolete.If he is right in your face and you are at a weak structure don't expect not to get hit,any anti loop killer would hit you,why shouldn't knight.Its similar to artist but i would argue he is weaker.If you want to see his counterplay just play him extensively and watch what good survivors do.

3genning from the start as skull merchant in the current patch simply does not work against any halfway decent or coordinated team.Base regression is terrible,and there aren't really any good regression perks that you don't get by hooking or downing people.Her chase potential is amazing btw,people just don't know how to play her.

You play as the Knight, and along your journey you run into more than a handful of merchants who wish to sell you goods and services. Here's a look at every vendor in the game, who they are, and what they can offer you.

Sly is a merchant with the perfect name for who he is. The small big was once a Great Nailsage, but he abandoned that life in favor of stockpiling Geo. You can find this vendor in Dirtmouth, but his wares do not come cheap.

One of the neatest parts about Hollow Knight is the number of hidden rooms and characters you can either discover, or miss entirely, depending on how vigilant you are when it comes to exploration. Confessor Jiji is a hidden merchant who lives in a locked room at the edge of Dirtmouth, and she aids in the acquisition of unrecovered Shades.

Little Fool is a rather harsh name for a character, but once you see him hanging upside down in chains, the picture comes together in a real way. He serves as the head merchant for the Colosseum of Fools and is tasked with not only taking payments for entry into the Trials, but also serving as the sole explainer of the arena's rules.

The Last Stag isn't as much of a merchant as he is a service provider. He calls himself the last of the Stag Beetles, a species that used to roam Hallownest and serve as the residents' primary mode of transportation. His story is rather sad, as the more you interact with him, the clearer it becomes that his age is impairing his memory.

Iselda is a primary merchant in Dirtmouth and focuses on the sale of maps and mapping tools. Her partner, a cartographer named Cornifer, can be encountered in various locations throughout Hallownest. Both he and Iselda moved to Hallownest in search of adventure and profit, and the main way they make that profit is by exploring underground and selling you maps of the world. You can find Cornifer by listening for the lovely tune he hums to himself.

The unsettling creature known as Leg Eater is the sole purveyor of Fragile Charms, which can be upgraded to their Unbreakable versions at a separate merchant named Divine. He is a small and delicate individual, which very much reflects the condition of the Charms he sells. Leg Eater can be found by a firepit in the top right area of the Fungal Wastes.

Merciless Knight is a Merchant Request that can be completed after retaking control of Leon in Chapter 10 - The Ballroom. The Blue Request Note that provides information about this optional side quest can be found in the room south of the Chimera statue, and it explains that a "monstrosity of a knight" in the Mausoleum must be defeated.

You'll now be in the western section of the Library, so defeat the armored foes guarding the area, then head south and walk down the stairs that lead to the elevator. Hop onto the elevator, and you'll enter the Mausoleum. Prepare your weapons and inventory before heading any further, as the golden knight you need to defeat lurks in the shadows just ahead.

Once you've made it to the Mausoleum, you'll quickly learn that you're in for more of a battle than described in the Blue Request Note. Not only is the Merciless Knight highly protected behind golden armor, but he's also joined by two additional knights. The Merciless Knight essentially operates as a juiced-up version of a standard Plagas-infested knight, which can make them a hassle to take down. Here are a few tips that can help you defeat these foes with ease:

It sounds like the trade deal a merchant sets up with a kingdom, is influenced by many factors; distance, skill of merchant, blood type, the length of the deal, and relation with that country. Could you elaborate on which of these factors have the larger or the most impact on the profits and which do not?

3) With respect to mercenaries, I see there is a % chance of success. This seems a bit odd, in most games mercenaries are available to the highest bidder, so, are we saying these are only available to this merchant, right then, and if you fail to recruit them or choose not to do so, do other players get access to this mercenary group?

5) When do these mercenary purchase opportunities arise for the merchants? It would seem to me that a new outbreak of war would be a great trigger time to offer mercenaries generally, but generally I would not want pop up messages to appear randomly for this unless I sought them out specifically. Normally, I don't want someone who's main focus is to earn me money to go spending it and leading an army.

My second question is would it be possible to use trade as an excuse to start a war for example to force another kingdom to allow your merchants to trade in their kingdom or after winning the war to force the losing side to transfer part of their trade income for a certain period of time?

Should we get more gold if a merchant is a governor in bigger cities ? (for example, historicly Constantinople was the greatest trade center in the middle ages) Also, should we get more gold if the city have a water border ? (not only caravans but also ships)

Impressive fountain isn't it? I'm sure we'd be able to appreciate it more if we weren't both getting drenched.

That knight up there was an important one. The plaque here mentions its 'sacrifice,' which carries something of an ominous tone.

Probably met some sort of horrible end, though it sounds like the knight's goal may have been achieved in the process

In all the relics I've collected, I've yet to find a clue as to what that was. e24fc04721

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