Is K&N Cleaning Service insured?

Yes, we are fully licensed and insured to provide our clients with peace of mind.

Do I have to be at home when I have a cleaning scheduled?

No, lots of our customers prefer to give us a key or door code so they can come home to a sparkling house!

Can I schedule my cleaning on a specific day and/or time?

Yes you can. We offer a flexible schedule and we will work to fit your schedule.

How much will it cost to clean my house?

Depending on the package you request, the size of the home and many other factors we will give you a quote that is specific to your needs.

Does K&N Cleaning Service provide the supplies?

Yes our cleaners will bring all of the necessary tools and supplies to provide you with a clean space. We use plant powered cleaners which are safe around kids, pets and plants. If you prefer different type of cleaning products, you can let us know and we can make an arrangement.

How can I pay for my cleaning service?

We accept payment in the form of cash, check, Venmo, Cashapp or Zelle.

Should I prepare before my cleaning session?

It is always a good idea to pick up personal items, dishes and laundry before we come (unless you requested organizing with the cleaning) to make it easier for us to get to the cleaning and sanitizing. If you do not have time we will still clean and put your things into one pile so we have easy access to your surfaces. You can put away anything you do not want us to touch (ex. a broken lamp, your favorite sneakers) because we are thorough and pick things up to clean underneath (shoe racks, couches etc.).

K&N Cleaning Service (845)293-3232 Poughkeepsie-Lake George-NYC