Mohammad Faramarzian


KNB 137 Assignment 2


I like how the wooden figures catch the light also the white jewellery contrasts well with the aesthetics

the smooth finish, proportions and the detail work is an aesthetic i would like to include in my design. the long neck is especially inspiring


In Substance Painter

Ut mattis faucibus molestie. Donec ultricies tristique felis vitae dictum. Nunc laoreet tincidunt ligula ut blandit. 

The wireframe for the had is a bit more High poly because I used the Idol to start with.

turn table turned on

I used this animation because.. Nulla euismod, magna nec semper tincidunt, velit nunc ornare nulla, at consequat mauris lacus aliquam mi. Nam facilisis eu nibh eget vulputate. Nulla purus odio, dapibus in urna vel, mollis sagittis justo. Nulla eget dapibus nisi, cursus blandit turpis. Fusce porta dictum tellus, quis dignissim tellus maximus id. Nunc bibendum porttitor neque sit amet maximus. Ut mattis faucibus molestie. Donec ultricies tristique felis vitae dictum. Nunc laoreet tincidunt ligula ut blandit.

This part of my character means this. that part of my character means that.

I used this animation because.. Ut mattis faucibus molestie. Donec ultricies tristique felis vitae dictum. Nunc laoreet tincidunt ligula ut blandit. 


I did this because ....

I did this because ...... and I got the fire from the Medieval Dungeon pack.

I used decals and some forest assets to breakup the flatness of the floor because....

And some strategic weeds grown at the bottom of the wooden pillras

I used cool colours to make my altar pop in the warm environment

This is just a placeholder for the final video .. I expect yours to be better.