The latest KMPlayer has ads inbuilt in the configurable file itself, hence, even if you add firewall rule, or put the index.htm in logo folder, it will still show a popup in kmplayer and an individual popout. Here is how you can remove the same from the configuarable file:

Not sure if I can post links!Remove if not.

I use the Portable version from here:


How is PotPlayer better?I Find many say that without actually saying why.

I have both & tend to use KMP as first choice & find hardly any difference,except that,Pot uses more CPU & memory when playing audio files or streaming radio stations.

Kmplayer Update Version Free Download

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Useful feature if you work with video files often.

 Pot player has it also,but on a quick test on my pc at least kmplayer uses less CPU when performing a instant view/smart seek.. Mirilis splash is another player with this feature(i think only the paid versions) 0852c4b9a8

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