Author Instruction

Submission should not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop that has proceedings. At the end of the conference, session chairs and program committee members will recommend some authors of well-presented papers be invited to submit extended versions of their presented papers for the publication in a special issue on the Journal of Multimedia Information Systems (, SCIE, and SCOPUS journals. The manuscript of the papers should be limited to a maximum length of 1 page (short paper) or 2~4 pages (regular paper)(Format : A4 size single space, double column and Time Roman of font size 10). At least one of authors of accepted papers must present one’s paper at the conference. Details on the electronic submission process are available on MITA 2024 web site, 

A template of a paper can be downloaded at this  Downloaded 

* Please write your paper using the specified form.

All submitted papers will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of relevance, originality, technical quality and clarity. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. The official language is English. The submission process will be conducted using electronic system through 

Paper Submission 

Click Here!!

* The authors are required to upload a PDF file when submitting a paper.

Program Committee may select the best research paper and the best young scientist (student) paper for awards.

Publication in a special issue on the Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, SCIE, SCOPUS.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission).


To be published in the MITA2023 Conference Proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and must present the paper at the conference.

 ● Multimedia Systems                                                                  

 ● Digital Signal, Image, and Video Processing

 ● Embedded Systems                                                                  

 ● Graphical Visualization and Modeling

 ● Multimedia Database                                                                               

 ● Multimedia Networks and Communications        

 ● Multimedia Information Security                                                             

 ● Multimedia Contents Production

 ● Multimedia in e-Learning and u-Learning                                     

 ● Game and Media Arts & Storytelling

 ● Graphic Design and 3D Animation                                       

 ● Virtual Reality and Simulation             

 ● Internet Technology and Social Media                                               

 ● Cloud and Ubiquitous Computing       

 ● Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology                      

 ● Smartphone Applications

 ● Radar and Navigation Systems                                                            

 ● Antenna and Propagation   

 ● Human Computer Interaction                                                                 

 ● Human and Social Issues on IT

 ● Medical Informatics and Ubiquitous Healthcare                               

 ● Bio-Medical Engineering

 ● Management Information System 

 ● E-Commerce