Department of Chemical Engineering

NIT Tiruchirappalli

WELCOME to Sustainable Process Engineering Lab. 

We are located in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli.


I am involved in developing intensified lignocellulosic biomass pretratment methods for bioethanol and biohydrogen production. Also actively engaged in developing methods to derive energy and value added materials from waste streams let out by the industries. Also we are trying to intensify processes using ultrasound for enhanced mass transfer and efficiency. The development of innovative and high  end  materials for energy and environmental applications are essential. We are involved in developing innovative materials for water splitting, electrochemical treatment of wastewater and microbial fuel cell applications. Energy efficient separations are essential to reduce the cost of the value added products derived from biomass. We are deriving adsorbents from biomass and waste materials for the separation of biorefinery molecules.

Open Positions

We are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic researchers (Undergraduate to Post Docs) to join our research group. Please send a copy of recent CV along with short writeup on your research  proposal. Postdoc fellows, who are interested in receiving fellowships from Government  are  most welcome.

Our paper on "Electrochemical Treatment of Dye Wastewater in a Filter Press Type Electrochemical Reactor" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E. Please click