Internal Audit Services

Internal Audit Services in Ahmedabad - KMG CO & LLP

Misconception about Internal Audit

Companies feel that internal audit is not required and non beneficial till it is required by statute or any law. Internal audit is usually avoided by companies as it can involve resources and time.K M GATECHA & CO LLP provides best internal audit services in ahmedabad,hence our internal audit services includes following.

Best Internal audit services in ahmedabad

When internal audit applicable for companies?

Internal audit applicable for following companies as per section 138 of companies Act 2013 as below:

1)Every listed company

2)For unlisted public companies:

a)paid-up share capital greater than or equal to Rs.50Crore during a previous financial year.

b)Turnover greater than or equal to Rs.200crore

c)Outstanding loan from bank/PFI greater than 100crore during the previous financial year.

d)Outstanding deposit greater or equal to Rs.25crore at any time during a previous financial year.