Kenji M. Matsuzaki

Hello, I was born in Paris to a French mother and a Japanese father. During my childhood, I had the fortune of growing up in various European countries as well as Japan. My objective lies in comprehending the evolution of oceanographic conditions over the past 20 million years. This pursuit allows me to identify potential climate similarities in the future and gain insights into the mechanisms of Earth's climate system. I am interested by different temporal scales, ranging from tectonic to centennial proportions. Moreover, I have a keen interest in analyzing the biotic responses to climate fluctuations. In order to conduct my research, I primarily focus on studying radiolarian fossils.

Research topics:

1. Ancient oceanographic variations and ecosystem responses in the northwestern Pacific Ocean over the past 20 million years: from the recent past (from several thousand years ago) to the ultra-warm periods of the early Miocene

2. Spatial distribution of extant radiolaria and clarification of the ecology of major species: establishment of more accurate paleoenvironmental indicators

3. Stabilization of radiolarian biostratigraphy and taxonomy from the Quaternary to the Neogene in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.


Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, 

The University of Tokyo 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8564, JAPAN 

Ph: +81-4-7136-6143; Email: 

Professional experience 


Research interests 

Other Qualifications 

Academic and professional services 


Thesis commitee member : 

Funding (as a principal investigator only) 

Peer Reviewed papers: 

Other papers: 

International conferences (Outside Japan and since 2014 only): 


Research Cruises 

Field Geology 

Reviewer for: 

o Communications earth & environment, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Quaternary Science Reviews, Global and Planetary Change, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Marine Micropaleontology, Revue de Micropaleontologie, Deep-Sea Research Part I, Paleontological Research, Lethaia,  Continental Shelf Research, Journal of Sedimentary Research,  Regional studies in Marine Science, Paleoworld, Ocean Science Journal, Geodiversitas, PeerJ, Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan.