Publications (chronologically)


  • Circular law for Random Block Band Matrices with Genuinely Sublinear Bandwidth

with V. Jain, I. Jana and S. O'Rourke

  • A nonuniform Littlewood-Offord Inequality for all Norms

with D. Xiang (undergraduate)

  • Eigenvectors and Controllability of non-Hermitian Random Matrices and Directed Graphs

with S. O'Rourke

with P. Lopatto


with S. Meehan and H. Nguyen

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

with A. Ferber, V. Jain, and W. Samotij

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

with R. Kyng, and Z. Song

Advances in Mathematics

with A. Ferber and G. McKinley

Combinatorics, Probability and Computing

with S. O'Rourke

Random Structures and Algorithms


with S. Chakraborty and J. Roland

Physical Review Letters 124.5 (2020): 050501

with Z. Lei, P. Venkat and F. Zhang

Conference on Learning Theory (2020)

with V. Vu

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques. Vol 56. No. 4 Institut Henri Poincare 2020

with J. Blasiok, P. Lopatto, J. Marcink and S. Rao

Proceedings of 60th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS 2019

with S. Chakraborty and J. Roland

Physical Review A 102.2 (2020): 022423

with A. Ferber, G. Kronenberg

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372.6 (2019): 4239-4262

with A. Ferber, D. Montealegre, and O. Nguyen

Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 26(6), Pp.839-849 . (2017)

with A. Ferber and O. Nguyen

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 49(5), Pp.784-797. (2017)

Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 7(01), 1750014 (2017)

  • Universality of random matrices and random graphs

PhD Thesis (2017)

with V. Vu

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62, 3, Pp. 1516 - 1527. (2016)

  • Random Matrices: l1 concentration and dictionary learning with few samples

with V. Vu

Fundamentals of Computer Science IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. (2015)

with N. Pippenger

The American Mathematical Monthly, 121, 5, Pp. 449-454. (2014)

with Y. van Gennip, B. Hunter, R. Ahn, P. Elliot, M. Halvorson, S. Reid, M. Valasik, J. Wo, G. Tita, A. Bertozzi, and P. Brantingham

SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 73, 1, Pp. 67-83. (2013)

with E. Ding and J. Kutz

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44, 6. (2011)

  • Martingale Couplings and Bounds on Tails of Probability Distributions

Undergraduate Thesis