Welcome to Klass

The Parent-Teacher Association for the friends

and family of Kingslea Primary School

2022 Kingslea Community Half-Term Book Trail

24 - 27th February

To help celebrate World Book Day the Kingslea community are running a book-themed scarecrow and window display trail.

Find out more...

Our mission

Klass's mission is to advance the education of children at Kingslea Primary School by:

  1. Developing our relationships and community

  2. Putting on events for our children to enjoy

  3. Raising funds to support educational resources, facilities and recreational activities

Quickly and easily support your PTA
Simply use
Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising
when you shop online

Get in touch

For more information on Klass, sponsorship or to volunteer, email: KlassPTA@gmail.com

Keep up to date with our activities by following us at: www.facebook.com/KlassPTA

We are very grateful to Brock Taylor for their sponsorship across this academic year.



Background photo created by pressfoto - www.freepik.com