Venue and Contact

Venue: Hotel Ibis, Aleja Solidarności 7, 20-841 Lublin

Hotel is located nearby the main bus station "Dworzec Główny PKS" (about 5 minutes walk). To reach the conference venue from the main train station "Lublin Główny - PKP" we advice individual transportation by the popular Uber or Bolt services, or using some local TAXI companies, like: (81) 44 444 44 (taxi Czwórki), (81) 511 11 11 (ALE taxi), 695 919 919 (MPT), 81 196 66 (radio taxi Mercedes), (81) 744 22 22 (Eko taxi), (81) 740 73 33 (taxi Trójki) or any other. Due to presently on-going constructions in the area near the PKP station the public transportation system is less convenient. For any information see Lublin-MPK webpage.
Hotel is easily accessible by car and its parking lot free of any charges.