Lab News


29.2.2024   Congratulations to Echo for having her Research Protocols published at JMIR Research Protocols: !


31.8.2023   Congratulations to Echo for receiving the Research Tuition Scholarship / Institutional Research Tuition Scholarship and Adam for obtaining the Outstanding Academic Performance Award!!

5.6.2023     Proudly introduce our PhD graduates --- Dr. Jundong Liu and Dr. Ruixuan (Clement) Huang!

9.3.2023    Congratulations to Yajing (our master student in 2021-2022, mentored by Qian[Echo]). She got her work accepted by Frontiers in Endocrinology! 

6.2.2023     Hooray for Qian (Echo)! She got a paper accepted by the Pharmacogenomics Journal!


16.12.2022 Congratulations to the COVID-19 investigation team for having a manuscript accepted by the BMC Digital Health!

8.11.2022   Hooray for Kevin! He got his manuscript accepted by the Frontiers in Genetics!

1.10.2022   Congratulations to Clement for having his paper accepted by the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal!

12.9.2022   Congratulations to Adam! His paper is accepted by Frontiers in Genetics!

2.9.2022     Congratulations to Qian! She has won the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA)! 

4.8.2022     Hooray for Jundong! He got his manuscript accepted by the Human Genetics and Genomics Advances!

1.8.2022      Congratulations to Clement having his manuscript accepted by the Frontiers in Pharmacology!

14.7.2022    Congratulations to Qian having her second paper accepted by the BMC Genomics journal!

6.7.2022      Congratulations to Jundong and Adam! Jundong gets his manuscript accepted by the Journal of the Neurological Sciences and Adam has his software tool paper accepted by the BMC Bioinformatics!

24.5.2022    Congratulations to Qian for having her manuscript accepted by the Genes Journal!

23.5.2022    Good news! Jie's manuscript is accepted by Frontiers in Genetics!

2.4.2022      Congratulations to Kin for getting his contribution to our Special Issue accepted by the Life Journal! 


30.4.2021      Thomas Wetere Tulu joined the group as Postdoctoral Research Fellow

19.4.2021      We are working with the Life Journal together with Dr. Ka-Chun Wong (CityU), Dr. Brian Chen (UC San Diego) and Dr. Jie Li (Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital) for a Special Issue on "Disease  Prediction and Prevention: From Computational Biology and Artificial Intelligence to Epidemiology and Clinical Sciences" (More information:

1.3.2021        Kevin Wu joined the group as Research Assistant


16.12.2020 We organized a virtual catalyst conference on "Integrative Approach for Disease Prevention and Management and Beyond" with FASEB on 16 December. 

1.12.2020       Sunny Chan joined the group as Research Assistant

29.10.2020     Qian He joined the group as PhD student

20.10.2020     Mihir Vij joined the group as Research Assistant

1.9.2020         Adam Neil Bennett joined the group as student in the Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in Veterinary Medicine with Cornell University


1.9.2019         Tsz Kin Wan joined the group as PhD student with HKPF


1.9.2018          Jundong Liu and Ruixuan Huang joined the group as PhD students

1.2.2018          Dr. Katie Chan joined CityU BMS and EE as assistant professor