
 The answer is All people interactions no matter what their life experiences or bouts of clinical depression ( all variations) must be based on holy love of God and neighbor. The 10 commandments strive for all people to love oneself and one another and to live & love God on our journey Home. I am 73 now and have learned that what was once thought by me to be idealistic is really true, namely that wars, and individual challenges must be met at the individual level first before we can be whole. Good luck to you and the good news there is a way but use all the good advice given to you here as well.

I know it seems scary, but one of the best things to do is to be direct. My guide to talking to loved ones struggling with depression has a lot of specific phrases that can be helpful, so you might check that out. But you could say something like, "Hey, I've noticed you say you don't want to live past 23 and I'm concerned that means you're thinking about hurting or killing yourself. Are you planning anything like that?" Make sure he knows you care about him and you want to walk with him. Tell him there is really good help available and that you can help him find it.

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I actually know somebody who is alive today and is a therapist helping others because a friend said, "I'm going to help you make an appointment for a counselor and I'm going to take you." That opened the door to my friend getting the help he needed, just because somebody helped him get the support from a therapist. You could also help your boyfriend make a doctor's appointment to talk about the option of trying some meds. If money is an issue, google "sliding scale clinic" and the name of your city. You can also search "sliding scale counselor" and the name of your city. A lot of times you can find really affordable community mental healthcare options that way. Also, if he's a college student, there could be free resources on campus. There are also affordable online counseling options through Better Help and Talk Space - I haven't tried either, but I have friends who love them.

God, Father in Heaven, I ask that you give Angel the strength to talk to her family. Give her the unconditional love that can only come from you. Please take all of her problems and make them disappear. Give her the opportunity to live a life of peace and tranquility. Bless her in Jesus name, Amen.

I believe that Satan would love it when one commits suicide. We were born to love others and show Christ in everything we do and say.i myself can never live up to being like our Lord Jesus.i tell our Lord Jesus this all the time.what would have happened if Jesus had committed suicide???think about that!

Yes I agree with your coments. It is horrible to have to a cheerful countinense when you are seriously depresseda person has to continue hiding what is wrong or you will lose that friend.

 You cannot put on the smile always. The cloud can live with you through out your life.

Dianne, I pray that Sarahs story brings you comfort in knowing that you are not alone! I also hope that like Sarah you have a special friend or safe place you can turn to when your suicidal thoughts arise! Remember you are loved and God does have a purpose for your life!

Furthermore it needs to be pointed out that some depressed people and suicidal people do not have hope and do not have worldview that gives them a reason to live. Not all suicidal people are suicidal because of their life choices or their worldview. However some are and it would be terribly unloving to give them a pill when what they need is their thinking to be redeemed.

I f you are a domestic abuse victim from a well known extended family, you can get continually victimized because no therapy in the world can help get over distrust and I pray a lot and have a spiritual director. Therapists do not get it, they do not want me in their life. What these messages on this page call love?, I know people that use this a s a buzz word, they show no love, to include the people in my church group. I am ignored and devalued so I am now on a website of chronic people who hook up with chronic people.

 why do you want to know my name? I am a well educated teacher and have 3 degrees, and I console others, no one cares about me

I have been dealing with my own depression and crawling through hell for a long time now. Ive always felt alone, now im turning my life over to God. Look at these comments and see we are not alone. I live in indianapolis, if you need a friend or simply an ear id love to be there for you.

I see beautiful and encouraging words from the Bible but I have yet to see the deed and the truth in the words. I m really stuck in life and I don t know what to do. I am tired of this world and I cried to God to take me away, while I m worried for my family and how they survive when I m not here. I m really sorry to hear that. As for me, I think the day I die will be such a relief. Honestly, I can t get there quickly enough ?? But God loves us. There is meaning in all suffering?

So they were up there working kind of scientifically and all of a sudden, a message comes to Dr. Spock and the Star Trekkers that this planet is being bombarded by some kind of rays which are, uh, not very good for any kind of animal, vegetable... they're okay for mineral that's it--mineral life can live. So, it's getting bombarded so they all go down to check it out. First thing they notice is that there are no insects around, then they notice there are no animals around. And just when they're about ready to say that there are no people around, they discover this colony of people in the euphoric state, and not only that, when the doctor checks them out, every uh... history of any kind of disease that they've had, including things like appendectomies, has all disappeared, right? And they're in perfect heath. Well, what happens is, the reason Dr. Spock suddenly becomes a compassionate-feeling creature is 'cause one day with the youngest and the prettiest member of the scientific team, of course, he's walking through a field and he comes upon a whole kind of row of sunflower-looking creatures. And as he's walking through these sunflower-looking creatures, one of them explodes and shoots things all over him and then you see Dr. Spock lying down on the ground and looking up at the clouds--that's what made me think of this. He said to her, "Wow! I never looked at clouds like that before." (cheers from the crowd) He said, "There's a dinosaur up there, there's..." Then he turned to this girl and he said, "I love you." Meantime, his little radio is going "bleep bleep bleep" and he's supposed to get back to the ship and you know what he does? He shuts it off.

The "Clouds" studio arrangement from 1969 is the one I like the best. Just Joni and her guitar, what more could you ask for? It was this version that introduced me to Joni and her music for the first time three years ago. I love this classic!

To say that I love Joni and her music would be an understatement; 1976, and a blonde in college changed my point of view. She left me with Joni's music,and not much else.

I return again & again to her music,part coyote,myself,and

am renewed...doubt that I will ever meet her,but in about 40

years or so, I will tell her face to

face.we will have a glass of wine,perhaps,and laugh about all the silly things of earth...this

is one of my "karma" wishes...

This song will always have a special place in my heart. I remember being just about 4 years old, and this was one of the first songs I knew how to sing all the way through...mostly. It was also the first Joni song that I was introduced to, and now she has changed my life through her beautiful music.

Dear Avalon Design: I'm using your Vt-737sp which is one hell of a unit! The outstanding EQ there just gives life to any source I'm playing through!!! And I want to say thank you so very much for your extraordinary service!!! I had a problem with one of the parts of the unit and I received new parts in 10 days ( I live in Israel)!!! What can possibly be wrong with products made by a company that believes their units are pieces of art. And like a good artist that takes it personally, if there is a small scratch made on one of his paintings, he treats his product like statues that has to be in not less than absolutely perfect condition!!! I've never seen such a thing , thank you!!! Love & tons of respect.

Having believed (wrongfully) that much of the buzz about Avalon was hype and audio snobbery, I bypassed purchasing one thinking I wasn't missing anything. A recent and quick visit to Sam Ash proved what an idiot I was. Not only does the unit improve the character of pretty much any mic, but even direct sources and synths take on new life. The preamp is full of character, the compressor is (seemingly contradictory) virtually transparent and yet able to tame the wildest signal you throw at it, and the EQ is almost a musical instrument in itself! The unit seems to have been built to withstand a moonshot. 

 I use the 737 as a front-end for an Akai DPS24 recorder, itself a great it's worldclass. It's clear now that another 737 is in the cards for stereo source tracking as well as mixdown. Many Thanks.

I just wanted to give you a brief report now that I've lived with the Vt-737sp for a while. In short, I am totally in love with it. I'm using it on everything, even my toaster oven. In the past couple of days I've tracked some guitars, bass and keyboards with it. My first impression was that it makes stuff instantly sound like it's recorded in an expensive studio instead of on my humble (but mighty) Yamaha AW4416. As far using it with my live bass rig, the 737 sounds so much better than any bass-specific preamp out there it's not even funny (and I've owned just about all of them). Also, it's a new thing for me to have an EQ section where adjustments of 1 or 2 notches actually make a big difference. It's easily the best "real world" EQ for bass I've used. I'm still in the process of dialing in the compressor but I've already found it can provide just the right amount of squeeze - it seems to be able to fatten things up without being obtrusive. Anyway, I feel like the 737 is the best audio investment I've made in years. Thank you 9af72c28ce

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