
Kiyu FUKUI (福井 毅勇)

Project researcher (特任研究員)

Yukitoshi Motome group

Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo

[ORCID]  [Google Scholar] [researchmap]

*This web page shows the latest information.


Room 228, Faculty of Engineering Bldg.6, 

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656,  Japan

E-mail: k.fukui[at]aion.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

(Please replace '[at]' by '@'.)

What's new

FY 2024

I gave an oral presentation at 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024).

I gave a seminar at Online CMT Seminars (オンライン物性理論セミナー) #100.

I gave a poster presentation at CEMS Topical Meeting on Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials.

My collaborator (S. Ikegami) gave a poster presentation at CEMS Topical Meeting on Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials.

New preprint [S. Ikegami et al., arXiv:2405.06287] was uploaded to arXiv.

I gave a poster presentation at 物性研究所スパコン共同利用・CCMS合同研究会「計算物質科学の現在と未来」.

New project has started: [Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientist, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (若手研究)].