
Kittyo Airways News: 

Kittyo Flight 10

On the 22nd of January, 2024; Kittyo Flight 10 Took off from YSSY at 2259 AEDT bound for RJTT in a Boeing 767-300ER. When the aircraft levelled out at its cruising altitude of 38,000 feet, it slowly entered a severe left bank before entering a spiral towards the ground. The pilots recovered the aircraft and swiftly landed at YWLM, where the passengers where given the appropriate medical attention and the aircraft was stowed away on an unused apron. 

1 Death was reported from a man who (Despite the seatbelt sign being on) got up and went to the bathroom during the last stage of the aircrafts climb to its cruising altitude.

The Boeing 767's have been grounded by Kittyo Airways and Kittyo Group.

Updated Logo: 

Kittyo Airways has now offically adopted a uniform colour, Shifting to a slightly brighter purple and adding shadows to the logo and the text.
We are working on slowly transitioning all our planes to the newer, superior colour.