Teaching Philosophy

My role as instructor is to provide organization, structure, resources, activities, clarification, and feedback, developed to provide the students with what they need to learn the material. It is the students' responsibility to learn, and they will, if they take advantage of what is provided and assigned. I strive to maintain a class environment that is a safe and comfortable one for making mistakes, rather than one where the students might fear embarrassment, or humiliation. Everyone who tries can learn something from the class. I strive to treat students as fellow human beings and citizens worthy of the same dignity and respect with which I would like to be treated. My job is to facilitate their job by providing appropriate resources and direction.

I view part of my task as an educator in computer-related fields to keep abreast of new developments in information technology, in research and practice in the management of Information Systems, I.S. and in Software Engineering career issues, and to share these with students whenever possible and appropriate. I welcome input to the class from students with experience or expertise in particular areas of study. One of my roles as instructor for students working in the field is to provide a broader conceptual context in which they can place and make sense of their work experiences.