
1. The Bright Side of Outside Market Entry with Manufacturer Encroachment (co-authored with Cong Pan), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023

2. Self-Preferencing by Platforms: A Literature Review (co-authored with Susumu Sato and Yusuke Zennyo),  Japan and the World Economy, 2023 (Special issue on ``Digital Platforms and Their Ecosystems'')  

CPRC Discussion paper versions: English (CPDP-89-2-E) / Japanese (CPDP-89-2-J) 

3. Negative effect of price matching policy on traditional retailers in a dual-channel supply chain with different content formats ( accepted version ) (co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima and Fuyuki Saruta), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022.

Book chapter

Discussion Papers 

1. Multiproduct Firms, Consumer Search, and Demand Heterogeneity  (Online Appendix),  R&R at JIndE

2. Consumer Search and Stock-out: A Laboratory Experiment  (joint with Ryo Mikami

3. Dual-Role Platforms and Self-preferencing: Sequential Search Approach (joint with Susumu Sato)

4. Behavioral Changes in Different Designs of Search Experiments  (joint with Ryo Mikami and Natsumi Shimada)

Work in Progress

1. Search Prominence and Loyal Consumers (Tentative; joint with Cong Pan)

2. A P2P Product Rental Market with Individual Uncertainty (Tentative; joint with Morifumi Hirao)

3. Differences and Emergence of P2P Product-Sharing and Used Markets (Tentative; joint with Morifumi Hirao)

4. Multi-product Retailing and Purchasing (Tentative; joint with Qiuyu Lu)

5. An Empirical Study of the Impact of Amazon's FBA on Competition (Tentative; joint with Tomoki Matsumoto and Yoshihiko Mochizuki)


