
See links in dropdown bar in contents, CV for full research activities, and presentation on research and scholarship

Research and Scholarship Agenda

In planning my research agenda, I have focused on four categories:

  • Medieval Studies (Book published: Memory and Confession in Middle English Literature)
  • Teaching and Learning (Book under contract in revision stage: Students Are People Too)
  • Premodern Pedagogy (Books under contract: The Middle Ages and the Modern Curriculum: Accessing the Medieval Past and Cultural Heritage and the Significance of the Premodern)
  • Public Scholarship

My primary disciplinary research is in Medieval Studies. Within this field, I focus mainly on the study of memory and the study of disability, but I also contribute to the scholarship of the discipline in various other ways.

As Director/Coordinator of the Center for Teaching and Learning, I have developed my natural interest in pedagogy into a research focus. Initially, my scholarship of teaching and learning, which has been a growing discipline in higher education, focused on the study of pedagogical wikis and other instructional technology. More recently, I am focused on concepts of student investment in learning and communicating the significance of courses. Given my disciplinary research in Medieval Studies and my research in the scholarship of teaching and learning, I naturally combine them by researching premodern pedagogy.

While I am committed to traditional publishing as demonstrated by the previous categories, I do believe that academics have the responsibility to participate in public scholarship in order to share their expertise with broader audiences. My scholarship in this area has taken many forms: digital humanities, social media, project-specific sites, blogs, etc.