Interviews & Media
I am available to speak with journalists about a number of topics, including:
Contemporary economics outside the neoclassical mainstream (heterodox economics, feminist economics, Marxist economics)
Women and work, gendered divisions of labor and unpaid domestic labor
Home appliances and household energy demand
Housework, cleanliness, laundry, and cultural differences in related norms or practices
Recycling, waste, discards, garbage, and packaging
Other popular sustainability and conservation efforts
Indoor temperatures and indoor comfort, including disputes over comfort temperatures
Self-employment in small artisan craft or food businesses
For interviews or other speaking engagements, please reach out at the email address listed in my CV.
Podcasts and Radio
WNYC Notes from America with Kai Wright, “Is Capitalism Working for You?”: October 2, 2023. Link.
野一色 遥花 (Haruka Noishiki), “「失業中も楽しもう」 ⽶Z世代、変わる職業観 グローバルウオッチ (‘Let’s have fun while unemployed’: American Generation Z’s changing view of work)” 日本経済新聞 (Nikkei), April 10, 2024. Link.
Charissa Cheong, “There's one big unexpected culture shock Americans can't stop talking about when they move to Europe.” Business Insider, January 15, 2024. Link.