1,800 years of family history

A shortened version of the Kirrage101 project.

Kirrage Donovan Burdett Keating Palser
Browning Cloutman Walkerley and more

Documents | Parish Records | Military Records
Photos | Videos | Letters

Hello dad. Hello mum.
Hello grandad.
Hello grandma.

Happy Christmas !

In the 21st century, families live further apart than ever before in history.

In 2020 COVID has kept us a little bit further apart, even those that live just down the road.

So this Christmas we had an idea to bring us all together, differently.

We made the Kirrage101 Project as a family project that will grow, uniting Cloutmans & Kirrages around our common heritage and history. We are apart this Christmas, but united with our ancestors and their stories be they Cloutmans, Brownings and Walkerleys or Kirrages, Donovans, Burdetts and Palsers.

With Thomas, Lucie and Alexandre, we've had fun organising 100s of documents, photos, videos, maps and letters into one easy-to-navigate project that tells the story of the choices, journeys, mistakes and sacrifices that our forbears made. Penny's been busy proofreading and running technical checks to make sure it all works. And here it is (with a few surprises).

You can explore the project either chronologically from the 3rd century AD to today by using the right arrow button on your keyboard or by swiping on your tablet.

NEW! Interactive timeline and map


Share this project with the address www.Kirrage101.com or by using the scannable QR code below.