Soft Matter & Fluid Mechanics

What we do

We describe processes at the nano and micron scales that arise in soft matter & fluid mechanics. This work is usually driven by as yet unexplained experimental results whose fundamental origin we clarify by developing mathematical and computational models; we collaborate with experimentalists and we also invent new physical effects not yet met in experiment.

Current directions are in active matter for materials, the life sciences and energy. For instance, flux-charge ion electrokinetics for iontronics applications. Magnetism and magnetic materials for the destruction of malignant cells. 

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Selected Publications

Selected Preprints 

In preparation 

 Experiment with low frequency rotating magnetic field on a hydrophobic slide; contact lines overcome contact angle hysteresis and become unpinned leading to migration. 'Wobbling and Migrating Ferrofluid Droplets', Communications Physics 7, 385 (2024) Videos

Simulation;  Finite element simulations demonstrating the migration of a 2D droplet due to the wobbling motion of the liquid-gas interface. The magnetic field is rotating clockwise at 10 Hz.

Computational model; Droplet migrates in an opposite sense to the orientation of the magnetic field (rotating clockwise)

Experimental method; Migration of the droplet was induced using an external magnetic field of 100 G rotating at 10 Hz.

Experiment: droplet can be induced to travel up or down inclined planes, clean surface impurities, harvest materials, and transport matter to desired locations. Place a small cube of a soft PEGMEA-based hydrogel (cargo) near the droplet at the bottom of a curved Teflon substrate. Droplet climbs uphill with a magnetic field of 125 G rotating counterclockwise at 10 Hz until the droplet overruns the cargo. It pick up and moves the cargo along with it. We then flip the direction of the field rotation to clockwise causing the droplet and cargo to move downhill

Center for Computation & Theory of Soft Materials McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science, Northwestern University Technological Institute 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 USA Email:

Throttle-induced stability of roller motion in anisotropic environments

Header Image: Chicago skyline taken from Promontory Point, Lakefront Trail, Chicago, IL 60615, United States of America. Photograph by Eleftherios Kirkinis.