
Submit you songs here for consideration to be released on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and more via Kiri Records! (Link in title)

My vision for a semi-decentralized advertising system

Spotify Playlists are really what allows this all to happen, let me explain. Playlists on spotify are able to be shared and are available to every listener on spotify. This creates a unique situation where we can have a back-and-forth exponential growth pattern. 

Social Media

I will continue to build my brand online as I have been doing, however I'm starting to kick things into overdrive with new posts and ideas. Basically, we can use social media to promote ourselves (artists too), playlists, and artists in an engaging way that will continue to stack views. As the playlist videos get more views, artists songs will be streamed more on Spotify, building brand recognition for our playlists, videos, and other content. All of the different programs I'm running will  bounce off of each other and will allow me to create content for all platforms probaly every two days, further fueling the social media platforms and therefore the playlists. Eventually, Kiri Records could become recognized in the producer community. I also have various initiatives for the website like a collabration space where you can connect with other artists which should increase traffic for the website, and thereby. Everything is set to snowball, and it should be beautiful!