Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium 2024

城崎代数幾何学シンポジウム2024 (京都開催)

Date: October 22nd (Tue.) -- 25th (Fri.), 2024. 

Location: Kyoto University (North Campus), Science Seminar House (理学研究科セミナーハウス) [Map]

Schedule: Program [TBA],  (The workshop is planned to start around 10am on the 22nd and end around 4pm on the 25th.)

Banquet: The banquet is tentatively scheduled for the 22nd (Tue.). More details will be announced later. 


Organizers: Yohsuke Matsuzawa (Osaka Metropolitan U.), Yusuke Nakamura (Nagoya U.), Kazuhiko Yamaki (Tohoku U.)

Local organizers: Shu Kawaguchi (Kyoto U.), Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa (Kyoto U.)

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