Bottled Beer Range


A delicate mild infused with Blueberries and a hint of chocolate

3.9% ABV

£2.00 per bottle

Palace Pale Ale

Light Pale ale Beer - unique ale very quaffable and the mixture of malts & hops create a very interesting flavour.

4.1% ABV

£2.00 per bottle


A Golden ale which has a dry flavour and a sweet bitter after taste. Clean crisp finishing notes a delicious drink for any time of the year.

4.1% ABV

£2.00 per bottle

royal stag stout

Ye Olde Irish Stout which is packed full of flavour and goodness - the combination of oats, malts and barley make this a brew of distinction full of goodness.

4.5% ABV

£2.00 per bottle

Squires Desire

An English Bitter, amber colour with a bitter swet malty flavour topped off with a good level of hops.

4.5% ABV

£2.00 per bottled

Knight porter

A 5.2% Old London Town Victorian era recipe, full bodied - smoky with a hint of sweetness and a spicy kick.

5.2% ABV

£2.00 per bottle

bottled cider range

traditional cider

Our Farmhouse Style Ciders are carefully selected from local producers to give you the best taste of the season. Then is bottled on site ensuring a fresh and crisp taste every time. Choice of Dry, Medium or Sweet cider.

£2.50 per Bottle

(Stock and ABV varies depending on supplier please contact us for Stock Availability.)

WARNING - This product is traditional produced allowing it to become naturally carbonated and will taste flat compare to modern cider and may have a cloudy appearance. ABV varies from 1.2% to 8.5% or more. Please Drink sensible.