i'm ready to get involved!

Kingdom Partner,

At Kingdom Fellowship we believe we are called to serve not sit! Are you ready to get involved? There is a place for everyone. Get connected today!


Our Music Ministry aids weekly services by using music to prepare hearts to receive God’s word. Our purpose is to uplift, exhort and encourage the congregation through song.

Kingdom Fellowship Choirs:

Kingdom Voices

E.D.G.E. (Young Adult Choir)

Children’s Choir

The Security Team is made up of dedicated men and women that have a heart and passion for the safety and security of our church and all who attend.

We help to provide a warm and welcoming environment for both guests and partners. We greet and welcome everyone with a friendly smile and a cheerful "Welcome to Kingdom!". In the sanctuary, we assist with offering as well as helping our partners and guest locate a place to sit.

The Outreach ministry desires to restore hope by reaching those who are outside the walls of our Church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by ministering and providing resources to our community; especially to those who are unsaved, un-churched, homeless and/or in need.

The Baptism Team serves the baptism candidates by helping candidates understand the purpose of baptism, showing people where to find the changing rooms, providing towels, clothes and assistance where needed.

Sunday School is an important part of our church! We provide classes for both men, women and youth to learn and grow together! Join the teaching team if you have a passion for teaching others about God's word.

Our mission is to ignite our youth with a passion for Jesus Christ and to establish a foundation that builds Christian character, morals, values, and behaviors to help them grow spiritually. We are always welcoming new volunteers to teach and assist!

The purpose of Congregational Care is to connect our partners to the culture and engagement opportunities at our church. This team focuses on creative and fun ways to foster church and ministry engagement.

Through the Communications and Media Ministry, we provide both an in-person and online worship experience through the use of screens, videos, visuals and Live Stream. If you have an interest in computers, photography, videography, graphic design, editing or social media, this ministry is for you!

The Drama Ministry's mission is to deliver the message of hope of Jesus through theatrical productions, skits, and illustrated sermons.

The Dance Ministry is for those who enjoy using music, movement, banners and flags as a form of worship. All ages are invited to join this team.

As a decision counselor, we ensure that people understand salvation, the symbolism of baptism and assist in the intake process for new partners who join our church.

We have volunteer opportunities available on an as needed bases. These volunteer opportunities include:

  • Call Team

  • Bereavement Team

  • Cleaning Team

  • Food Pantry

  • Special Events

  • Administrative Office