Kingdom Faith Academy

Faithfully learning how to think, not what to think.

Welcome to our homeschool! Come on in, we're so glad you're here!

My name is Jackie and we have been homeschooling for about 5 years.

I have compiled some homeschool resources that will bless your socks off!

We are a family of 5 (7 if we count the fur babies) who love to share all things with friends just like you!

So go ahead and explore and if you get stuck -------> We'd love to help! ------> Just Reach Out via the Reach Out tab above.

Blessings, The Lopez Crew.

* Just so you know, on the following pages you may find some affiliate links for which we may get compensated for.

Rest assured that it will never cost you any more money to use them AND in many cases it may cost you less.

This helps us keep costs down and continue to hook you up with amazing resources. Thanks!