Preschool children

  I have developed PowerPoint slides designed for English private tutoring sessions for preschool children aged 4 and 6.

Each session incorporates video sources from YouTube, accompanied by post-activities such as worksheets or games.

The primary objective of the tutoring is to make English enjoyable and engaging, ensuring that it fosters their interest in learning language.

👉 What considerations were needed?

Teaching content is tailored to suit learners' English proficiency, interests, and attention spans.

For example, Learner A, aged 6, exhibited a longer attention span  (approximately 40 minutes) and a stronger interest in English compared to peers.  Given A's calm disposition, the curriculum included English stories and worksheets that align with A's learning style.

Conversely, Learner B, aged 4, had a shorter attention span (approximately 10 minutes) and was easily distracted. B preferred singing songs and physical activities, therefore, the post-activities include physical exercises to cater to B's preferences.

Teaching materials for Learner A

20.11.17-19 Nest.pptx
09.22-24 in on under.pptx
21.02.01-03 Papa, please get the moon for me.pptx

Teaching materials for Learner B

22.04.25 Road Safety Song.pptx
22.02.04 Move Like the Dinosaur.pptx
22.03.30 Immune System.pptx