Minji Kim

Educator, Researcher, Innovator

Realization of Equity through Education

“I ensure equitable access to quality education for ALL” 


2024-present    Master of Arts - Applied Linguistics and Teaching English as a Second Language (Northern Arizona University, USA)

2020-2022    Master of Arts- TESOL (Hallym Graduate school, Republic of Korea)

2018-2020    Bachelor Degree - English Language and Literature (Hallym University, Republic of Korea)

2015-2017     Associate Degree - Social Welfare (Hallym Polytechnic University, Republic of Korea) 

 Teaching Experiences

Aug 2024 - English 105-Critical Reading and Writing in the University Community  (NAU)       Teaching Assistant

2021 - 2023    English private institution (Sam English) - K-12 students                                                                                  Assistant English teacher

2015 - 2022    Private English tutoring - K-12 students       English teacher

9 November 2022    Global Citizenship Education (Yubong high school)      Instructor

September - October 2021    English writing class using AI (4-day teaching sessions for MA thesis)   Instructor

September 2019 - February 2020   Learning & emotional tutoring- Elementary ~ high school students       Teacher

  (Community child care center)

February - May 2021    Korean-English language exchange program (University of Southern California)   Korean language mentor

September - November 2020    Korean-English language exchange program (University of Southern California)   Korean language mentor

February 2019 Teaching English using children's picture book - Elementary school students       English teacher

(2019 winter vacation program at Chuncheon Youth Zone)

June - August 2018            Mentoring for certificate of middle school equivalency  (Hallym Youth Welfare Center)       English teacher

30 May 2018    Global Citizenship Education (Yubong middle school)   Instructor

2015 - 2016    Mentoring Program for elementary school student Learning & emotional support teacher

  (the Korea Food for the Hungry International)

 Working Experiences

September 2023 - June 2024          Hallym University - College of Liberal Arts     Administrative assistant

August 2022 - February 2023         Institute for Global Social Responsibility - Internship program with KOICA       Administrative &research assistant

July 2019        (Inc.) TTC Edu - TOEIC summer vacation program for university students   Administrative assistant 

December 2018 - February 2019   Winter vacation program for elementary school students (Chuncheon Youth Zone)   Assistant teacher

July - August 2017       YMCA - Chuncheon temporary shelter for Youth (women)   Social welfare internship

Research Assistant

April 2023 - March 2024          A Conversion Study for the Deep Learning-Based AI Fiction Generation with the Human in the Loop Research Assistant

        AI Novel Generative Research (Funded by Korea National Research Foundation)

March 2020 - February 2023   “Holmes Vs. Sherlock: Overcoming or Reclaiming Humanity?” Research assistant

      Professor. Kyoung-min Han / Hallym Graduate School (Funded by Korea National Research Foundation)


1 - 2 August 2018   English camp for elementary school students (YMCA)   Assistant teacher

2015 - 2017     the Korea Food for the Hungry International (KFHI)     Teaching (Children education) & administrative assistant

15 - 16 December 2015   Buddy camp with foreign students (International Exchange Center in Hallym Polytechnic University)   Student assistant

2015 - 2016 Student assistant for disabled students (Hallym polytechnic University)   Student assistant for learning and school life

2008 - 2014 Women shelter for intellectual and physical disability   Volunteer 


March 2023 - Present            PIDEIA (Ministry research group for children & teenager single parent education in South Africa ) Researcher

September 2022 - Present   Toastmasters International (Signature toastmasters club, District 93, Area  A13)       Vice president membership

[Program Development and Teaching]

March 2023     English & Art class in children's worship service - Toddler, elementary school students       Teacher

(Green village church, All nations ministry church in Cape town, South Africa)

Feb 2019     Teaching English using Children's picture book (4 sessions) - Elementary school students        Teacher

  (2019 winter vacation program at Chuncheon Youth Zone)

March - May 2016   Social welfare program development for elementary school students - 8 sessions of art and P.E. class       Teacher

                                         (Chuncheon community child care center )

Conferences & Publications


5 July 2024 [Presentation] Title: Enhancing college English courses with generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Insights into student perceptions and      emotional dynamics

16 December 2023 [Participation]

8 - 9 December 2023 [Presentation] Title: Validating Python Libraries for Text Analysis in Language Research

10 July 2023      [Participation]

Center for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS), Lancaster University, UK

6 - 8 July 2023  [Participation]

22 July 2022     [Presentation] Title: Integrating MT into EFL Writing Instruction: A Preliminary Investigation

18 June 2022     [Presentation] Title: Integrating MT into EFL Writing Instruction: A Preliminary Investigation

17 December 2021  [Presentation] Title: Evolution of Automated Poem Translation and Student Perception

17 December 2019 [Participation] 

28 September 2019 [Participation]  


Honors and Awards

2023  Best master thesis award   Hallym University graduation ceremony

2020  Full-tuition scholarship for admission   Hallym University

             President award (Outstanding academic performance)     Hallym University graduation ceremony

2019   Work placement scholarship Hallym University

 National Labor Scholarship (Vacation)   Korea Student Aid Foundation

 National Labor Scholarship   Korea Student Aid Foundation

 Hallymer scholarship (In-schoool recommendation)   Hallym University

 Ilsong (一松) scholarship (Academic Support)         Hallym University

 Man of merit of blood donation - Silver (30th donation)    Red Cross Korea

2018   Work placement scholarship     Hallym University

 Transfer admission with highest distinction (Full-tuition scholarship)       Hallym University

2016   Valedictorian of the year - Social worker oath ceremony                  Hallym Polytechnic University

2015   Representative of freshmen admission oath (Dept. Social welfare)     Hallym Polytechnic University

             A master of ceremony (Social Worker oath ceremony)     Hallym Polytechnic University

 Full-tuition admission scholarship   Hallym Polytechnic University

License and Certificate


2017   Social worker (2nd grade)     Korea Association of Social Workers

2015   Recreation (1st grade)       World Recreation Educational Association (WREA)


2022   ABM (AI, Big data, Metaverse) course for a specialist of English education     The Korea Association of Teachers of English

  ODA (Official Development Assistance) basic course       Gangwon International Development Cooperation Center

  (Course name: 'Understanding of International development cooperation')

  ODA (Official Development Assistance) advanced course               Gangwon International Development Cooperation Center

  (Course name: 'International development cooperation cross-cutting issues')

2015   Korean sign language course I · II           Gangwon Association of the Deaf