There might be a large number of e-readers available to people on the internet currently, but none of these come close to the popularity of Kindle. Kindle has taken the top spot when it comes to popularity and maximum usage of any e-reader and there are different reasons for this particular fact. 

Now, there are two most popular Kindle models used by people: The Kindle Oasis and the Paperwhite. Different people argue about these products and this is why in this guide, we will give you a better understanding of kindle oasis vs paperwhite and which is the best for you if you like reading. 

Which one is better for people: Kindle Oasis or Paperwhite?

It is very difficult to determine which Kindle product to buy when you are looking to buy a new e-reader as there are different elements in each of them. 

Both products were highly popular and well-known when they were launched and even now there is sufficient use of the products however, if we compare the popularity of the products currently then, you need to know that Kindle Paperwhite is currently more popular and the reason behind this is the fact that the Oasis has not been updated for around 4 years now. 

There is also a very huge price difference in the debate of kindle paperwhite vs oasis as the paperwhite is very cheap in comparison with the Oasis. You can easily buy a paperwhite for $140 whereas the Oasis starts at $250 and can exceed more than this. The storage capacity of both products is almost similar. 

In this comparison, Kindle Paperwhite is a clear winner as it has the same feature at a cheaper rate however, if you want the complete feeling of a book in an e-reader then, the Oasis will be perfect for you. 

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