Enrichment & Challenges

Recommended Sites & Apps

Greg Tang Math Games are SO FUN! Some are right on Kindergarten level & some are more challenging. My favorites are Math Limbo and Kakooma.
Google Earth: Explore the world from your iPad! Use the website or the app.
Art Hub for Kids is packed with awesome directed drawing tutorials. Remember - you can always pause the videos if you need more time! :)
Math Doodles is a $2.99 app for iPad or iPhone and it's one of my FAVORITE math apps for kids! It comes with 4 games you can play at a variety of levels. There's more than one way to solve every game and it's SO FUN!
Code Spark Academy is an award winning learn-to-code platform for ages 5-9. To play for the first time, click on "schools" in the top left corner & enter your class code. Ask your teacher what it is. This can be used as an app or website. Sunset Hill: the app is in Self Service.
Swift Playgrounds is created by Apple and can be used on a computer or iPad. Solve puzzles to master the coding of Swift and learn in a fun and interactive environment. Sunset Hill: The app is in Self Service.
Scratch Jr. is a free coding app for ages 5-7. Sunset Hill: The app is in Self Service.
BrainPop and BrainPop Jr. provide short educational videos to explain concepts in the areas of STEM, Social Studies, Reading/Writing, Health, Arts & Music. Sunset Hill: log-in info is on the back of your iPad.