Congratulations on Seungho Choi's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. & Ph.D. student (Feb.2024)

Congratulations! We am delighted to announce that Junseok has been awarded the 'Excellent Paper Challenge Prize at  4th POSTECH Best Paper Competition, POSTECH university, Republic of Korea (30 Jan. 2024). 

Exciting news! We are delighted to announce that Junseok has been awarded the 'Excellence Awards (2nd prize)' for Outstanding Performance at the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH university, Republic of Korea (25 Jan. 2024).


Congratulations on Junseok Ma for Visiting Ph.D. (Recognised student scheme) in Engineering Science, University of Oxford (Dec. 2023)

Congratulations on Younghak Lee, Sangyeon Park, and Taeyun Kim for earning Masters degree at POSTECH (15 Dec.2023)

Congrats! Junseok's paper ''Liquid Crystals for Advanced Smart Devices with Microwave and Millimeter-wave Applications: Recent Progress for Next-generation Communications" has just been selected as a frontispiece of Advanced Materials!!! (03 Oct.2023)

Congratulations on Hyunwoo Oh's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. & Ph.D. student (Sep.2023)

Congratulations on Yelin Lee for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Aug.2023)

Congratulations! Our joint research team (Funded by Samsung Science & Technology Foundation) won the Grand Prize at The 8th Electromagnetic Wave Measurement Thesis Contest with the topic, "Liquid Crystal Permittivity Extraction Technique in Sub-THz Band Using Complementary FSS" (Mar.2023)

** Related articles

포항공대·한국고등직업교육학회, '글로벌 메타버스' 산학협력에 맞손 (한국대학신문, 2023.06.20)


원밀리언, 포스텍과 댄스 모션 데이터화 프로젝트 협력 (서울경제, 2023.03.29)



Congratulations on Hyeonji Shin for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Dec.2022) 

Congratulations on SangMyeong Yu's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Aug.2022) 

Congratulations on Jihyung Kim for earning Ph. D. at POSTECH (Aug.2022) 

Congratulations on Jonghyeon Ka for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Aug.2022) 

Junseok Ma has performed online presentation in AP-S/URSI 2022 (Jul.2022)

Jihyung Kim prized a NAVER award in Summer Annual Conference of IEIE 2022 (Jun.2022)

Congratulations on Taeyun Kim, Sangyeon Park and Younghak Lee's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Feb.2022)

Congratulations on Hyunseok Eo and Junseok Ma for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Feb.2022)

** Related articles

충남대-육군, '에듀테크 컨퍼런스' 개최 (데일리한국, 2022.11.23)


삼성·애플 이어 페북도 포스텍 손잡았다…"메타버스로 실습" (중앙일보, 2022.10.21)


한국교육개발원, 2022 영재교육 담당교원 전문성강화 직무연수 진행 (베이비뉴스, 2022.08.31)


경북도, '메타버스, 디지털 국정과제 대응' 세미나 개최 (아시아경제, 2022.07.20)


'한국의 구글 사옥'이 포항에...수면캡슐·VR게임실, 스타트업의 요람  (머니투데이, 2022.07.12)


포스텍 위기극복 전략 "학교 오지마" (머니투데이, 2022.07.11)


Colorful images displayed on a filter as thin as three strands of hair (Eurekalert!, 2022.06.13)


POSTECH-글로벌국방연구포험, 오는 23일 '미래 과학기술과 국방안보' 국방정책 세미나 개최 (뉴스1, 2022.06.09)


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[기고] 메타버스 수도 경북을 위한 4대 제언 (매일신문, 2022.04.27)


제3기 미래대학 콜로키엄, 내달 7일부터 11일까지 개최 (한국대학신문, 2022.01.24)


[신년 기획] 메타버스로 도약하는 고등교육… "미래교육 열어가는 핵심 역할 기대" (대학신문, 2022.01.10)


"스마트폰만으론 부족한 메타버스... 헤드셋 대중화돼야 신세계 열린다" (매일경제, 2022.01.03)



Congratulations on Yelin Lee's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Sep.2021)

Our students have performed oral (Junseok Ma) & poster (Jinyoung Choi, Hyunseok Eo, Jonghyeon Ka) presentation in iMiD 2021 (Aug.2021)

Our proposal (with Prof. Wonbin Hong & Prof. Jungsuek Oh) was selected as 5G&6G targeted topic  in Samsung  Science & Technology Foundation 2021 (Jul.2021)

Our students conducted public demonstrations AR/VR simulation in Mixed reality (MR) lecture room in POSTECH (May.2021)

Congratulations on Hyunji Shin's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Mar.2021)

Congratulations on Imbo Gong, Sungeun Park for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Feb.2021)

Congratulations on Seungwon Oh for employment of assistant professor at Kangwon National University (Jan.2021)

** Related articles

[제7회 혁신 Webinar] “메타버스로 도약하는 고등교육” (한국대학신문 2021.12.20)


[제7회 혁신 Webinar] 김욱성 포항공대 교수 “메타버스, 기존 강의 대체 수단 아냐…교육 효과 높여주는 확장 수단” (한국대학신문 2021.12.23)


[제7회 혁신 Webinar] “메타버스 활성화 되려면 콘텐츠 공유와 유연한 학사제도 개편 필요” (한국대학신문 2021.12.23)


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[2021 서밋/포스텍 탐방] 가상공간 속 강의실, 조용하지 않은 도서관… ‘벽’은 무너졌다 (한국대학신문 2021.11.27)


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[UCN PS 2021] Session4 김욱성 포항공과대학교 전자전기공학과 교수, “메타버스 교육혁신, 많은 대학이 협업해야 이룰 수 있어” (한국대학신문 2021.10.19)



Our students have performed oral (Imbo Gong) & poster (Sion Cha, Sungeun Park) presentation in iMiD 2020 (Aug.2020)

Our students (Sion Cha, Jonghyeon Ka, Sungeun Park) have performed oral presentation in Summer Annual Conference of OSK 2020 (Jul.2020)

Congratulations on Sion Cha for earning M.S. at POSTECH (Jun.2020)

Congratulations on Seungwon Oh's entrance at POSTECH as Post Doctoral Researcher (Jun.2020)

Congratulations on Junseok Ma, Jonghyeon Ka, Hyeonseok Eo's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Mar.2020)

Congratulations on Hyunsuk Lee for earning Ph. D. at POSTECH (Feb.2020)

Our students (Sion Cha, Imbo Gong, Jihyung Kim, Sungeun Park) have performed poster (Sion Cha, Imbo Gong, Jihyung Kim, Sungeun Park) presentation in ICEIC 2020 (Jan.2020)


Congratulations on Jihyung Kim as Ph. D. student, Jinyoung Choi as M.S. & Ph. D. integrated course student entrance at POSTECH (Sep.2019)

Our students have performed oral (Jihyung Kim, Imbo Gong) & poster (Sion Cha) presentation in iMiD 2019 (Aug.2019)

Jihyung Kim prized a LG Electronics award in in Summer Annual Conference of IEIE 2019 (Jun.2019)

Congratulations on Sungeun Park, Imbo Gong's entrance at POSTECH as M.S. student (Mar.2019)