Wave Arrays & Display Engineering Lab


Main research topics in WADE are Future Display Design, Future Array Technology, Display and Array Modeling. Recently, we are focusing on Massive display, Near-to-eye display, Liquid crystal antennas, Directional speakers, Virtual acceleration, Ultrasound application, QD IR Healthcare application, Speaker-display convergence.

Currently we are looking for talented students who would like to work with us. Candidates with experience or interest in one or more of the following areas will be considered seriously. 

Applicants are invited to submit one-page resumes to Dr. Wook-Sung Kim at: wsungkim@postech.ac.kr 

연구실 입학을 희망하는 분들은 연구 참여를 강하게 권장하오니, 연구 참여를 희망하는 분들은 교수님 메일로 문의 바랍니다.

Future Display Design

Future Array Technology

Display and Array Modeling