Master's Thesis

Spatial Analysis of Childcare Facilities in Seoul, Korea: A Step Toward Universal Care -- [Thesis (ENG)]


Kim, J., Shon, H., Lee, H., & Yeo, H. “The Impact of Livestock Barns on Rural Land Prices: the Case Study of Buyeo, Korea” (accepted to Journal of Korea Planning Association)

Kim, J., Cho, W., Yoon, R. & Kim, B. “The Impact of Municipal Responses on Non-Profit Education Programs in Seoul during COVID-19” (manuscript in progress)

Kim, J., & Park, J. “Online or Offline Program? Decision Model for Community Childcare Centers During COVID-19 Using Decision Tree Algorithms” (manuscript in progress)

Kim, J., Yoon, R., & Cho, W. (2021). 언택트 교육환경에 따른 서울시 지역아동센터의 아동학습 지원환경 실태조사 (Survey on Seoul Community Childcare Center’s Learning Assistance During the Online Education Environment). Seoul Institute Small Research Good Seoul Report  -- [Paper (KR)] / [Press Release (KR)] / [News Coverage (KR)]

Yeo, H., Cho, J., Kim, D., Mo, Y., and Um, S., Kim, Y., Jang, Y., Park, D., Kim, S., Kim, U., Choi, Y., Kim, J., Shon, H., Lee, H., Jang, M., Hwang, H., Lee, H., Hyun, S., Jeong, K., (2023). Rural Spatial Restructuring Strategies of Eup·Myeon Township. National Research Council for Economics, Humanities And Social Sciences. -- [Paper (KR)]

Kim, J., Kim, G., & Jung, H. (2021). 김해시 다문화 로컬리티에 관한 고찰 - 구별짓기에서 마주침의 공간으로 (Reflections on Kimhae Multicultural Locality- From the space of distinction to encounter). The journal of localitology, 25, 119-160. -- [Paper (KR)]

Kim, J., Yoon, R., & Cho, W. (2020). 언택트 교육환경에 따른 지역아동센터 지원 정책 방안: 금천구를 중심으로 (Methods to Aid Education Service in Childcare Centers of Gumcheon-gu During COVID-19). Proceedings of Korean Urban Management Association Winter Conference, 149-168. -- [Report (KR)] / [Paper (KR)]


Yeo, H., Shon, H., Lee, H., & Kim, J. (presenter) (2023, April 26). An Analysis of the Effect of Hazardous Facilities on Rural Land Prices. 2023 Spring Congress of Korea Planning Association

Kim, J. (presenter) (2022, August 8). Accessibility Analysis of After-School Child Care Facilities in Seoul, Korea. The 12th Asian Conference in Regional Science -- [Paper (ENG)]

Kim, J. (presenter) & Yoon, R. (2021, October 22) Tackling Education Disparity During the COVID-19 Through Community Cooperation: Case Studies on Childcare Centers in Seoul. The 21st International Conference on Education Research. -- [Slides]

Kim, J., Cho, W., & Yoon, R. (2020, December 11). Methods to Aid Education Service in Childcare Centers of Gumcheon-gu During COVID-19. Korean Urban Management Association Winter Conference. 

Presentation Videos

icer 발표.mp4

Tackling Education Disparity During the COVID-19 Through Community Cooperation: Case Studies on Childcare Centers in Seoul @ The 21st International Conference on Education Research

작은연구 최종발표.mp4

Survey on Seoul Community Childcare Center’s Learning Assistance During the Online Education Environment @ Seoul Institute

두리하나마을 (North Korean Defector Family Support Project) Achievement Presentation (from 17:14) @ Sinjeong Welfare Center

Urban Studies (Drawings)