Research Planning

Before actual data collection begins, there a few things that need to be done. You're not expected to know how to do any of these steps right away, so we will work together!

  1. Think of an idea

There's no one way to do this, but finding and accessing relevant existing literature, staying organized, and synthesizing information are all necessary skills. As a new student in the lab, you will almost certainly work on an existing/on-going project, but don't hesitate to approach me with your own ideas. I find it useful to complete a project plan.

  1. Get money

This may not be a comprehensive list (it's a work in progress), but these are some examples of awards students can apply for to fund their research or travel to conferences.

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

  1. Receive ethics approval

As a student/trainee, you won't be doing this alone, but lots of general information is available on the Institutional Review Board's website.