Current and Upcoming Projects

[Classroom Re-Design]

We use information about where and when children are active to design activity-promoting child care classrooms.

[Statewide Survey]

Surveys capture the physical activity environment in child care programs across Utah to identify barriers to promoting physical activity and inform future partnerships and intervention approaches.

[Schoolyard Re-Design]

We aim to use information about where and when boys and girls are physically active to inform activity-promoting design interventions.

[Recess Surveillance]

Using surveys and audits, we inform future policy and surveillance efforts and better capture the current state of recess in Utah's schools.

[Sensor Development]

We aim to test a variety of sensors for capturing children's movement and exposures in the classroom and on the playground.

[Accelerometer Repository]

The repository makes novel methods for estimating physical activity or energy expenditure from accelerometer data easier to find and more accessible to researchers. Get descriptions, instructions, and/or example code for novel methods here.