
Communication is critical for us to stay on track, prevent and resolve problems, and help each other learn. We can facilitate lab communication in a few ways.


We hold regular meetings during the academic year that you are expected to attend. During these meetings, you will be expected to share updates regarding your progress, next steps, and provide feedback to others. These may be verbal updates or informal presentations.

Shared calendar

We use a shared Outlook calendar for scheduling data collection and meetings.


We use Box for shared files and version control. Sending me data, code, a paper draft, or presentation? Use Box.


While your lab schedule may be flexible (we will discuss it when you join!), please do not feel pressured or expected to respond to emails or messages after your 'work hours.'

Stop by

In addition to my scheduled office hours, feel free to stop by my office (HPER 146) if the door is open. My recurring office hours are on the USU website.