
---------- 2024 ----------

Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA) - April 2024

Grinnell College Math Department Seminar

Oral research presentation titled On Combinatorial Problems of Generalized Parking Functions

USTARS (Iowa City, IA) - April 2024

Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium

Workshop included various algebra, topology, and combinatorial lectures with opportunities for networking

UWM Math Club (Milwaukee, MA) - April 2024

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Math Club + Graduate Student Colloquium

Oral research presentation titled On Combinatorial Problems of Generalized Parking Functions

GSCC (Pittsburgh, PA) - March 2024

Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference

Oral research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant

JMM (San Francisco, CA) - January 2024

Joint Mathematics Meetings

Oral research presentation titled Decomposing Complete $3$-Uniform Hypergraphs into Tight 9-Cycle Subgraphs (AMS Special Session)

---------- 2023 ----------

Graduate Student Seminar (Ames, IA) - November 2023

Iowa State University Math Department Graduate Student Seminar

Oral research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant

NAM MathFest (Atlanta, GA) - September 2023

National Association of Mathematicians MathFest

Oral research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant

Research Symposium (Ames, IA) - April 2023

Iowa State University Mathematics Department Graduate Student Symposium

Poster research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant

GSCC (St. Louis, MO) - March 2023

Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference

Oral research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant

JMM (Boston, MA) - January 2023

Joint Mathematics Meetings

Oral research presentation titled Directional Derivative of Kemeny's Constant (EDGE Special Session)

Oral research presentation titled On Equivalent Colorings of Plane Trees (AMS MRC Special Session)

---------- 2022 ----------

WCNT (Pacific Grove, CA) - December 2022

West Coast Number Theory

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

KUMUNU (Lincoln, NE) - October 2022

Named for founding institutions: the University of Kansas, the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Workshop included various commutative algebra and combinatorial lectures with opportunities for networking

NAM MathFest (Baltimore, MD) - September 2022

National Association of Mathematicians MathFest

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

MMMMM (Ames, IA) - September 2022

Mostly annual Mostly Manitoba, Michigan and Minnesota Combinatorics Graduate Student Workshop

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

EDGE Mega Reunion (Atlanta, GA) - July 2022

Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Mega Reunion

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

AWM Research Symposium (Minneapolis, MN) - June 2022

Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium 

Attended conference, including research and plenary talks and networking sessions

AMS MRC (Java Center, NY) - June 2022

American Mathematical Society Mathematics Research Community 

(Trees in Many Contexts)

Met new mathematicians and embarked on new research problems related to trees in graph theory

CMPS (online) - May 2022

Combinatorial Meeting of Prairie and Sky

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

GPCC (Fargo, ND) - April 2022

Great Plains Combinatorics Conference

Poster research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

SEICCGTC53 (Boca Raton, FL) - March 2022

Fifty-Third Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing 

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

Math Club Meeting (Ames, IA) - March 2022

Iowa State University Math Club

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

GCRC (Ames, IA) - March 2022

Iowa State University Graduate College Research Conference

Oral research presentation titled Enumerating Unit Interval Parking Functions

---------- 2021 ----------

OURFA^2M^2 - December 2021

Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement and Alliance of Marginalized Mathematicians

Panelist for discussion regarding summer opportunities for undergraduate students

CA+ (Minneapolis, MN) - October 2021

WisConsin, MinnesotA, and Iowa S+ate Universities on Commutative Algebra

Workshop included various commutative algebra and combinatorial lectures with opportunities for networking

SACNAS - October 2021

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

Oral research presentation titled On Unit Interval Parking Functions

BRIDGES - July 2021

Building Relationships for an Inclusive and Diverse Group of Emerging Students

Workshop includes informal networking and social events

AlCoVE - June 2021

Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition

Poster research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

USTARS - April 2021

Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

DMD - April 2021

Discrete Math Days Spring 2021

Hosted speed friending event for conference attendees

NCUR - April 2021

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions 

HRUMC - April 2021

Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

ASPiRE - March 2021

Advancing Student Participation in Research Experiences

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

MAASE - March 2021

Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association for America Conference

Conference provided sessions for undergraduate and contributed paper talks

SEICCGTC 52 - March 2021

Fifty-Second Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing 

Poster research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

Math for All - March 2021

Math for All in New Orleans

Oral research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

SIDIM - February 2021

Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas

Poster research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

GSMath - February 2021

Gulf States Math Alliance Conference

Workshops included opportunities for networking with future graduate students

FWIMD - February 2021

Florida Women in Mathematics Day

Workshop included networking and mentoring opportunities along with research and keynote talks

NCUWM - January 2021

Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics

Poster research presentation titled An Introduction to Parking Functions

---------- 2018 ----------

Williams SSP - August 2018

Williams College Summer Science Program

Attended scientific symposia events in mathematics

---------- 2017 ----------

SACNAS - October 2017

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

Attended scientific symposia events in mathematics