In the song, Kim Possible (the main character of the series) tells listeners to "call" or "beep" her if "there's trouble", no "matter if it's day or night", and promises she will not fail them and will rush to help.[1] Thus, it reflects the use of modern-day mobile technologies.[2]

There is nothin' I can't do.

And when danger calls just

know that I am on my way.

(know that I am on my way.)

It doesn't matter where or when there's trouble

if you just call my name:

Kim Possible.

Kim Possible Call Me Beep Me Mp3 Download


There is nothin' I can't do.

And when danger calls just

know that I am on my way.

(know that I am on my way)

It doesn't matter where or when there's trouble,

if you just call my name:

Kim Possible.

There is nothin' I can't do,

and when danger calls just

know that I am on my way.

(know that I am on my way)

It doesn't matter where or when there's trouble,

if you just call my name:

Kim Possible.

Looking for an old Kim Possible YouTube Poop video I loved as a kid. It's very possible it's been deleted but I wanted to know if anyone else remembers it. Early on in the video they messed with the Kim Possible opening theme. I distinctly remember two lines "I'm your basic average girl, and I'm basic and average" "Call me, beep me, if you wanna beep me"

Like the original, the remake of the song features the lyrics: "I'm your basic, average girl and I'm here to save the world. You can't stop me because I'm Kim Possible. There is nothing I can't do and when danger calls just know that I am on my way. It doesn't matter where or when there's trouble, if you just call my name: Kim Possible. Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me. When you want to page me, it's OK."

I have this simple subVI that gets a desired set of (X,Y) coordinates, the actual X,Y coordinates of an object, and a tolerance. The subVI is supposed to beep (using if the object is within the tolerance zone.

I use this subVI in a loop which constantly gets the actual coordinates of the object, so I expect to hear a beep every time the object passes close enough to the desired location, or continuous beeping sounds if the object stands in place inside the tolerance zone.

The thing is that I would only ocassionaly get a delayed beep when the object makes a pass at the spot, and if it gets into the tolerance zone but stays there, the subVI won't beep at all (until the loop is stoped).

I added an LED to go along with the beep (to make sure everything else in the code is alright), and it works just perfect.

I don't see anything wrong with the VI you attached so the next logical place to look is at how you're calling the subVI. Your description ("continuous beeping") suggests you're calling it as fast as possible. Is there any "throttling" in the calling loop? In other words, is there something in the calling loop (like a wait function) that prevents the subVI from being called at a very high rate? What happend if you wire constants (contrived to cause a beep) to the subVI inputs?

I don't knwo the details inside the "beep" function but it acts like it is a non-blocking function, which is to say that LV can go on to other processes while the "beep" code is being executed. It feels like maybe the beep is being called frequently enough that it can't execute before the next "request to beep" comes in. Try putting a 5ms wait function inside the case structure next to the beep VI and let us know if that affects the symptoms you're reporting.

The loop runs at about 100Hz (as it waits for input from an outside program that runs at that frequency). when I wire constants in, the VI will not beep until I stop the loop (then it will beep once and quit).

That might be a problem, as it is crusial to run that loop as fast as possible. I will try the flag solution that was suggested here, as it's not supposed to delay the main loop at all (if I understand it currectly).

Thanks for the idea though, I'll try it out just to see if the problem is indeed the non blocking quality of the beep vi

I can appreciate that you want the calling loop to run as fast as possible. The "big hammer" suggestion is only for troubleshooting purposes. Once we prove that our suspicionas are correct there are a variety of ways to call the beep in an independent process and keep it from being called too often. You can have your cake (fast rate) and eat it too (beep).

i have no idea, but what I can offer is the following link, which has for most birds the varying calls they make, song, alarm, and others. Probably the first birds to start with would be known garden birds.

It is odd to hear of this happening, @Gobucks05. Thank you for sharing! The Contact Sensor can activate a chirp sound upon door opening, but it should not play repeatedly without being initiated again (closed/ open). When this beep sound happens, is it in the form of a chirp or another sound? I recommend checking Alarm history in your Ring app for any event that might cause a continuous sounds, including a entry/ exit delay countdown.

A great test if this concern persists, and if possible, is to bring your Contact Sensor closer to the Base Station and leave open to see if this occurs. This will factor out and signal concerns. I hope this helps!

Please ensure that when your door is open, the Contact Sensor is more than 1.27cm away from the magnet. If they are too close, it could cause a chirp tone to sound. If this problem persists, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.

I don't know if this is possible or not, but the most important thing for me, NOT to use a GUI application like WMP or so.. I just want to do this from the Background, even If that beep has to be made from the free speaker, or by using a Third-Party CLI Application (Btw, I've Cygwin installed on my Win7-x64) .

Please note that, I will add that alarm command exactly before the interactive questions, waiting for user's answer to get to the next stage, so I can't just finish the batch, by making a real error beep !

WARNING: rundll32.exe Kernel32.dll,Beep 750,300 no longer works well from the command line on modern windows systems as rundll32 no longer accepts integer values (again, through the command line) and this will play the beep with the default values which is too long (and frequency is irritating):

With rundll functions you won't need special symbols like ^G. With the first method you can also set the frequency and the time you want to beep, though see the warning that those parameters no longer work on modern systems from the command line and will instead play the annoying defaults.

The capability of beeping depends on the mainboard and if the mainboard has a system speaker - which has increasingly become a rarity as systems tend to depend solely on "normal" speakers instead. An alternative is to play sound through those speakers. Here are some options:

Does anyone know why my iphone (13 pro) beeps loudly (as though on speaker) after a phonecall? The beep is usually as loud as the phone conversation, but now my phone beeps loudly as though its on speaker and it can really hurt your ears if you keep the phone while the other person is hanging up. I don't see any setting option for this. Maybe an update is needed to correct this?

I recently got a newer cisco IP phone (7962) and the incoming call beep seems to keep beeping over and over which the older model didn't do, I don't mind the 1st beep, but the constant beeping is becoming very annoying. Is there a way to make it only beep once or not at all? I saw another post here, but I don't think it applied to my phone because I didn't see any of those settings on my phone.

We are looking for one-minute recordings of background noises occurring at library checkout points and returns, including: electronic "beep" sounds, sounds of books or other library media being handled, words exchanged, etc. To properly record a sound, position yourself near the offices where you can hear especially machine "beeps" that incorporate the voices and sounds of library staff and the materials they handle.

Many Zebra Android devices contain a Zebra Volume Control (ZVC), a UI component that allows a device user to easily adjust the volumes of various audio streams in the device. An audio stream is a channel through which audio can be generated and output to a speaker or headset. The number of audio streams supported by an Android device is generally fixed, but the number of possible purposes for which audio can be generated is theoretically unlimited. As a result, a particular audio stream might be used for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.

Used to set a customized icon that the ZVC will display to visually identify the audio stream that is typically used for music playback. If specified, the value must be the full path and file name of an icon file in PNG format that resides in the device file system. An icon size of 48x48 pixels is recommended.

Controls whether the ZVC allows the user to view and modify the volume settings for the audio stream that is typically used for music playback. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to this audio stream's visibility.

The preset volume level is a third volume level that must be greater than or equal to the minimum volume level and less than or equal to the maximum volume level. If the preset volume is outside of the minimum/maximum range, this value will be equal to the minimum or maximum level depending on whether it was below or above this volume range. This will be used by the SetCurrentProfileOption feature to adjust the volume of the audio stream that is typically used for music playback to this set level. 006ab0faaa

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