Please be aware that you cannot play a sound without the user interacting with the document (i.e. click inside the document or similar interactions). So you cannot beep on errors that occur before the first interaction occurred. This means, the first error I create by calling a non-existent function just after load doesn't play the sound, because there was no interaction with the document before.

The cons is that you have to create a wav file that produces the beep sound (it shouldn't be hard to find one googling a little bit) and a wav file for every different sound you want to implement in your application. You can put the files in your application directory, but you can also embed them as resources in your assembly:

Kim Possible Beep Download

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In the song, Kim Possible (the main character of the series) tells listeners to "call" or "beep" her if "there's trouble", no "matter if it's day or night", and promises she will not fail them and will rush to help.[1] Thus, it reflects the use of modern-day mobile technologies.[2]

I've put 0.6mm CHT nozzles on two of my machines, and I'm pushing a lot of filament through (20mm/s volumetric flow). The amount of filament going through is double what I used to max out the printers with on a standard 0.4 nozzle. Since doing this, the machine beeps fairly regularly at me, telling me THERMAL ANOMALY. It doesn't stop working, but the beeping is a problem, as it's disturbing people who are working. I'm pretty sure it's happening because the pattern of heating on the hot end is different now that so much plastic is being pushed out.

Is there any way to disable the beeping? The temperature is staying within +/- 3 degrees of target, so it's not an issue of something failing. I need to figure out how to keep this from making so much noise while printing.

Unfortunately this won't work, as I do want the notifications when the filament runs out. I just don't want it to beep with the thermal anomaly warnings, which weren't happening when I was printing with smaller nozzles and a lower volumetric flow.

I just wish I could turn off the beeping, it's going to become a real problem. I already put blue tac over the speaker to reduce the volume when it does beep, but it's loud enough to interfere with the people who are working in the next room.

Then I would try to go back to firmware 3.11 and see if the problem persists. I did that after I installed the Revo Six on my MK3S. There is no problem with that firmware for me and I used it for a long time before 3.12 came out. You will need to disable the check for the newest firmware in PrusaSlicer (under Custom G-Code for the printer) to avoid another nasty beep then. ?

It works fine for the 0.25, 0.4 and 0.6 nozzle. But when I do a fast 0.8mm print, the temperature stability drops to about +-1C at which point it's randomly beeping every few minutes. But still printing fine.

I'm wondering whether it's now possible to cause the physical PC speaker to beep in Windows 10. There are existing questions on this but their answers appear to be out-of-date; none of the methods mentioned cause a physical PC speaker to actually beep, but instead an artificial beep sound is generated from the sound card.

Not without modifying grub sources. grub first reads complete grub.cfg collecting menu items while it does it and then shows menu using items collected in the first step. Any command you add to grub.cfg will be executed before menu is shown. It may be possible to add menu entry that beeps when executed, set it as default and add fallback entries so grub automatically tries them after the default. But fallback entries are executed immediately, without any timeout, so it probably will not help.

On Windows the default behavior it to make an annoying "beep" sound every time Windows things something notable happened. The result is that when someone send a company-wide email via the MS Exchange all computers around my cubicle beep one by one. This is annoying and makes no sense.

Disabling of the beeps would be fantastic!! I started searching for how do do this not because it bothers me a whole lot but terrifies my dog!! Not sure what he is hearing when it beeps but he cannot get far enough away and just shakes!! I love the sous vide but am thinking about getting a different one just so I can use it and not stress my dog out so much!

Another offender is my washing machine. It beeps when it has finished with its wash cycle, to remind me to remove the washing from the drum. Fine, no problem. But, once the washing is done, it beeps three times every thirty seconds. Forever.

After each beep and each set of beeps, the BIOS should detect if the user presses the power button. If so, the BIOS jumps out from looping and performs the normal shutdown process and powers off the laptop.

If your computer is giving a listed code, then use the fault descriptions below to narrow your possible No Post troubleshooting. For additional troubleshooting, learn How to Troubleshoot a No POST Issue on a Dell Laptop.

If the computer passes the power-on self-test or POST, the computer may give a single beep (some computers may not beep or beep twice) as it starts and continues to boot. However, if the computer fails the POST, the computer may generate a beep code or LED code indicating the potential source of the problem.

I need to have my device be able to produce sounds of at least two different frequencies, as loud as possible at around 3/5V. So far it seems like the best thing to go for would be a piezo speaker but the cylindrical case ones are still a little bulky for my needs. I've found some flat piezo speakers too which would be better but they seem to need casing built for them anyway to make them as loud as they can get. Is there any clever acoustical tricks or devices I should be aware of while investigating this issue?

I was wondering if it was possible to make the beep control function work on the NAS. I have a integrated speaker, but DSM doesn't seem to like that, (Or it doesn't work on XPEnology boxes). I read somewhere that:

So, one team needs to search an hidden object on the terrain, that is 'interacted' with an 'object meter' that the team gets.

The 'object meter' starts beeping when they get close to the object that they need to search, and always beeps faster and faster as they get closer.

Just use an SRF02 ultrasonic range finder.

Your loop should: Make a measurement, convert to inches, make a beep, and then do a delay proportional to the distance.

Put 30 ft wires on the beep speaker (or the SRF02), so zeroing in on the sound will not make it too easy.

How about a radio-controlled, swept-pitch, beeper? Each team gets a cheap key fob type R/C transmitter. Pressing immediately

causes a beep on the distant unit. The one doing the pressing gets an immediate distance clue due to the slow speed of sound.

The low to high frequency squeal-like sweep is helpful because different pitches have different directional and reflective effects.

If there's a competition, the team/person who uses the fewest beeps wins.

The speed of sound is about 340 meters/sec, so the delay between when you press and when you hear is a very observable, and if you're good, quantifiable one second.

When you're 100m away the delay is only a third of second, quite noticeably quicker.

Volume wise it would also sound like it's about 300m away, especially if one has heard the beep up close first to guage the volume attenuation.

Also, if you happen to be approximately facing the sound, your two ears would give your brain a pretty good clue of the direction.

In the woods, or other rough terrain, if you used only one frequency beep, it might get confusing since that beep would reflect off rocks, trees, buildings, etc.

Maybe you want it not to be too easy, and pitch sweep is an adjustment.

A changing frequency is more comprensive, reflecting differently on different objects. I think bats, dolphins, and whales all use some type of squeal.

Is it possible to make the beeper that I add on the transmitter, beep faster and faster as they get close to the objective? It would be a nice feature.

Maybe it is to difficult to make it beep faster and faster as they get closer, because like you said, the distance needs to be measured. Or are there other ways to do it?

On startup, computers perform a Power-on Self Test, commonly referred to as a POST. If problems are found while booting, you can usually diagnose them using the error codes displayed on the screen. However, if nothing displays on the screen, the computer might use sounds (that is, beep codes) to tell you what is wrong. Many of these errors indicate hardware problems that a service technician should fix. However, some errors are easily fixed. For example, keyboard controller errors often mean that your keyboard isn't plugged in.

when I use virtuoso schematic and layout, there is a beep when I click save, or if there is an error, or when a simulation is finished. I think by default this beep comes from the BIOS. But I now have a computer that doesn't play that sound from the BISO. I wonder if there is a way to change that sound to a different one that can be played by the normal sound card, like other system notification.

The problem is with my computer, which doesn't make the beep (I guess there is some problem with the BISO), so I wonder if there is a way to change the beep to a different sound, to use the soundcard, instead of the BIOS beeping.

It may have been dropped by Autodesk a long time ago, since I don't seem to recall hearing any beeps from AutoCAD when I have used it. Perhaps it simply defaults to off. I have searched the Bricscad help file, but without success. It is possible that I am not using the correct search word.

To date myself, I will add that the terms have changed over the years. Originally the sound a computer made was the BELL from the actual bell that was hit by a solenoid on teletypes. Eventually it was replaced by an electronic beep. Only after windows was established, and sound cards became common was a variety of allert sounds possible. 006ab0faaa


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