Q & A

Question & Answer section

Recently, I have completed several question and answer forums in a variety of publications. 

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

With over 24 years in corporate learning and a certification in instructional design, I bring a fresh perspective and a commitment to positively shaping students outcomes. My continuous learning approach enables me to question and innovate effectively. As a learning professional and leader, I offer collaborative skills, strategic thinking, problem solving, budget planning, and more. I am dedicated to fostering an environment where students thrive through quality education, safety, and open communication. Having been part of the community for over 35 years and with children who attended the district, I am passionate about serving our community. 

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why?

In the past nine months, I’ve attended school board meetings to understand the district better. My top priority is ensuring high quality education by meeting students at their individual learning levels. Equally important is providing a safe environment where students and staff can thrive. Lastly, fostering open communication between staff, students, and the community is essential for maintaining trust and collaboration. 

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy?

My strategy for addressing the budget cuts involves reviewing spending to distinguish needs from wants and postponing non-essential expenses. I will explore reducing vendor costs and increasing alternative revenue streams. Maintaining key staffing roles and avoiding larger class sizes are crucial to preserving quality education. Additionally, conducting an annual 10% reduction exercise will ensure we are prepared to make necessary adjustments efficiently. 

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system?

Addressing educational disparities is both a state and national issue that demands a collaborative effort from teachers, policymakers, the community, and families. To effectively tackle this challenge, we must first analyze data to identify the specific gaps within Eden Prairie. With this insight, we can develop targeted solutions to effectively support and improve our school district. 

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process.

Open communication is a top priority for me. Gathering feedback from key stakeholders is crucial, and their voices must be heard. As decisions are made, it is essential to share information through various channels. If a communication platform does not exist, we should create one to document decisions and ensure that all relevant parties stay informed. 

Please list relevant biographical information, including your education, occupation, and other qualifications.

With 24 years in corporate learning, I hold a Bachelor’s in Business Management from Southern New Hampshire University and an instructional design certification from the Association for Talent Development. I am a Certified Professional in Talent Development and actively contribute as VP Education Officer and Sergeant at Arms with Toastmasters International. Additionally, I am a member of the Business and Management Advisory Board in Eden Prairie, focused on curriculum development and essential skill identification.

What motivated you to seek election for Eden Prairie School Board?

With over 24 years in learning and development, I have an understanding of the critical role education plays. My recent graduation has further deepened my appreciation for education, and now that my children are grown, I am eager to serve our district and the next generation. I am dedicated to improving educational quality, ensuring safety, and fostering open communication within our schools. My background equips me with the skills needed to drive meaningful change and create an environment where every student can thrive. I am dedicated to making our schools the best place for both learning and employment. Serving on the school board is a significant responsibility, and I am enthusiastic about bringing a forward-thinking vision to the role. My goal is to contribute positively to our community and help our schools excel. 

Are you satisfied with the direction of the school district? Why or why not? What changes, if any, would you support? What current policies would you encourage?

Yes, they excel at maintaining quality education through smaller class sizes and well-equipped teachers for personalized learning. However, stricter enforcement and accountability are needed for policies to ensure high standards in education, safety, and open communication. 

Additionally, I propose a review of current policies related to cell phone usage, screen time, and the integration of AI in the classroom. Implementing a balanced approach that includes guidelines for these areas will help maintain an effective learning environment. Encouraging traditional methods, such as pen-and-paper exercises and activity-based learning, can enhance physical engagement and reduce overreliance on electronic devices.This approach fosters the development of critical and creative thinking skills, which are essential for student growth and academic success. 

What separates you from the other candidates?

With over 24 years of experience in corporate learning and a certification in instructional design, I bring a fresh perspective that can positively impact the future of our students. My ongoing commitment to learning equips me with the ability to ask insightful questions and view challenges from innovative angles. As a seasoned learning professional and leader, I offer a range of skills including collaboration, problem-solving, strategic thinking, budget planning, and leadership. I am dedicated to fostering an environment where every student can excel through quality education, safety, and open communication. Having been part of this community for over 35 years and with my own children having attended the district, I am deeply invested in our local schools. I am eager to contribute my expertise and am committed to serving our community effectively. I look forward to your support in this endeavor. 

What do you see as the most pressing issue facing the school district today and how would you address it? 

There are a wide range of issues that most school districts are facing which impacts the students, teachers, and community. To list a few, there are mental health concerns with the rising rate of anxiety, depression, and suicide. The pressure of academic performance, social media, and peer relationships. To help address the issue, we need to work with external partners that can support individuals and family’s holistically with health and spiritual care. Another area of concern is the bullying and violence. This is affecting students’ safety and well-being. It is important that individuals are held accountable for their actions and not ignored. We have policies in place to ensure the safety of students and staff, creating a secure learning environment. It is crucial that we address these concerns to prevent the loss of students and staff in our school district. I believe that our policies need to be reviewed and strengthened to clearly communicate expectations and consequences. We must also actively involve parents in supporting and enforcing these policies. It is crucial that we address these concerns together to prevent any further loss of students and staff in our school district.

What is your stance on the current curriculum in Eden Prairie Schools, and do you think any changes are necessary? 

In my run for school board, I am in the process of reviewing our current program alignment and resources, aiming to inspire each student through critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. While the core learning courses are solid, limited resource access prevents me from forming a definitive opinion on necessary changes. However, I am committed to comprehensively understanding the curriculum to identify potential areas for improvement. My involvement with the district's advisory team, such as the Business and Management pathway, have impressed me with their collaboration and support for students throughout their academic journey. I appreciate the focus on the learning pathways that allow students to explore career paths and discover their passions. Nurturing their skills and knowledge is essential for their future success. Yet, I remain cautious about invasive content in our curriculum. Education programs should prioritize quality education without distractions. Listening to parents is crucial to understanding our strengths and areas for improvement. By actively engaging with them, I can gather insights to enhance the educational experience for all students. My commitment is to further evaluate our curriculum, safeguard against invasive content, and engage with parents to ensure we have a quality program in place for the future. With a focus on inspiring each student, we can create an exceptional educational experience for all.

What are your plans to ensure the safety and security of staff and students? 

This is one of my main concerns for our schools today and should be taken seriously. We need to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses all concerns and ensures preparedness for any emergency situations. Our priority is to protect the well-being of our students and staff, and to provide timely and informed communication to concerned parents in the event of an emergency. To achieve this, we may need to go back to the basics of respect and hold those accountable for not adhering to our policies. Violence and bullying are ever increasing, without consequences, it will continue. Our policies need to be addressed to guarantee that all protocols are followed and that consequences are enforced for any disorderly conduct on our premises, in the classrooms, and the with any misuse of technology. Integrity should be highly valued in our school community. I understand the importance of involving parents in upholding these standards. By working together, we can ensure that everyone is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our children. We want to have a place where everyone feels protected and secured.

What is your approach to managing the school district’s budget effectively? 

As the person who manages the learning and development department budget, I prioritize responsible spending. My personal values, shaped by living within limited income and managing a family budget, makes me a strong advocate for being fiscally responsible. I firmly believe that every dollar in the school budget must be accounted for and appropriately spent. In a time of high inflation and increasing expenses, it is crucial for the community to trust that taxpayer dollars are being wisely invested in our students' future. As a school board member, I will take it upon myself to ask the necessary questions and ensure we are spending appropriately. I am dedicated to maintaining the community's trust by advocating for their interests. Increasing taxes should be a last resort, and if it becomes necessary, it must be done reasonably and fairly. I understand the impact of tax levies and referendums on our community, and I am committed to justifying any increases and ensuring they benefit our schools and students. I am committed to managing the school budget with integrity, transparency, and fiscal responsibility. I strive to earn the community's trust in the school district's investment in our students' future.

How do you plan to address mental health issues among students? 

As a member of our community, I understand the importance of prioritizing mental health within our school environment. I am committed to reviewing our policies to ensure that we have effective protocols in place that help identify and address this issue. It is crucial for our staff members to be equipped with the necessary tools to teach coping strategies, stress management techniques, and promote positive mental health habits among our students. To provide the best support possible, we can also consider partnering with community organizations to offer specialized services on-site or referrals off-site. By reaching out to parents and the community, we can create a collaborative and supportive environment where everyone works together to build a place for learning and support. When parents are empowered with similar strategies as educators and counselors, they can effectively contribute to the well-being of students and other parents within the community. I also recognize the importance of having access to a well-rounded group of health and spiritual professionals who can provide expert guidance and support when it comes to mental health. I believe that by implementing these measures, we can make significant strides in prioritizing and addressing the mental health needs of our students and promoting their overall well-being.

Eden Prairie Schools has tightened its restrictions on student use of cellphones, but a small but growing number of states are going even further. Do you favor cellphone restrictions beyond what currently exist in the Eden Prairie Schools? 

Yes, cell phones must remain put away during school hours, including passing times and lunch periods. This helps students concentrate on their education and engage more meaningfully with each other. We face enough distractions as it is, so keeping phones out of sight promotes a more focused and positive environment. One school that implemented this policy has seen reductions in conflicts, improved collaboration, and a more positive atmosphere overall. Students will still have access to school-owned devices if needed throughout the day.

Eden Prairie Schools’ strategic plan calls for an “inclusive learning environment.” Should cultural awareness extend to school board members and, if so, what additional measures would you suggest? 

While the concept of an inclusive learning environment is important and beneficial, it is crucial to approach it with transparency and open dialogue. If there are concerns or suspicions of a hidden agenda, it is essential to address them through open and honest communication. To answer the question about, should cultural awareness extend to school board members, yes. It is important that we ensure that we are aware in a genuine and unbiased manner. We have a diverse community, and it is important to learn from one another about our cultures. I love to learn about other people’s cultures. I work with a team in India, and I learn something new about them every day and they learn from me. To extend this type of learning, I would want to have clear objectives that foster cultural understandings, respect, and inclusivity without hidden agendas or biases. By including different stakeholders, parents, teachers, students, and community members to ensure that we have everyone’s input to implement a policy for cultural awareness, we can strive to maintain transparency, trust, and integrity while promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity with the school community. 

How would you maintain impartiality and fairness, even when faced with issues that may conflict with your personal beliefs? 

In my role within the corporate environment, I am deeply committed to treating every individual with respect, even when it challenges my personal beliefs. My approach to fairness involves two key principles: 1) Listening and Acknowledgment: I ensure that everyone feels heard and understood, even if we don't always reach a consensus. This means that while we may have differing opinions, the decisions made will be considerate and equitable. 2) Diverse Collaboration: I actively seek input from a diverse group of individuals to address issues and make collective decisions. This collaborative process helps ensure that all perspectives are considered. However, if we encounter an impasse, a final decision-maker will step in to make the ultimate call, enabling a team to move forward effectively. This approach fosters an environment of respect and fairness while navigating differing viewpoints. 

Where do you see the Eden Prairie School District in the next 5 to 10 years? 

As we look toward the future of our education program, it's clear that technology is rapidly evolving, and with it, the way we work and learn is transforming. To prepare our students for this changing landscape, our school district must stay ahead of these shifts, ensuring that we equip students and teachers to adapt. Education is moving beyond traditional textbooks and memorization. I see the school districts shifting towards experiential learning, where students engage in hands-on, project-based activities. This approach not only helps them develop practical skills but also aligns with competency metrics that reflect their abilities. At the same time, we need to stay committed to teaching foundational knowledge to ensure that essential skills and information are preserved. By balancing innovative learning methods with core principles, this will provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for both current and future challenges.