Dr. ir. K. Batselier

Mekelweg 2

2628 CD Delft, Netherlands

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My profiles on ResearchGate, Google Scholar.

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7381-2630

Short Bio

I received my Master degree in 2005 and Ph.D. in 2013 (Advisor: Prof. dr. ir. Bart De Moor), both in Electrical Engineering, from KU Leuven, Belgium. From 2005 until 2009, I worked on algorithms for real-time monitoring of physical and mental status of AC Milan football players at BioRICS. I was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Hong Kong from 2013 to 2018 (Host: Dr. N. Wong). Currently, I am an associate professor at Delft University of Technology in the Delft Center for Systems and Control.

Research Interests

My current research involves the development of innovative tensor methods and their application on high-dimensional data problems in signal processing, machine learning, system identification and control. For example, I have developed and implemented an algorithm that uses tensor networks to estimate the coefficients of a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) Volterra model from measured data. This algorithm is able to estimate 10 million coefficients in about 1 second on a standard desktop computer, whereas the identified model is able to predict future data with a relative error of 5%. Other developed tensor algorithms are a Tensor Network Kalman filter, a polynomial classifier for the classification of images, and various tensor decomposition algorithms with applications in image processing and nonlinear block-structured system identification. All my implementations are released as open source and can therefore be freely downloaded, used and modified. Furthermore, I also have a strong passion for education and the popularization of science and engineering.