EC0-479 - EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice Test by

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**** EC0-479 Description | EC0-479 Syllabus | EC0-479 Exam Objectives | EC0-479 Course Outline ****

**** SAMPLE EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) 2021 Dumps ****

Answer: A


What will the following URL produce in an unpatched IIS Web Server?


A. Directory listing of C: drive on the web server

B. Insert a Trojan horse into the C: drive of the web server

C. Execute a buffer flow in the C: drive of the web server

D. Directory listing of the C:\windows\system32 folder on the web server

Answer: A


You setup SNMP in multiple offices of your company. Your SNMP software manager is not

receiving data from other offices like it is for your main office. You suspect that firewall

changes are to blame.What ports should you open for SNMP to work through Firewalls

(Select 2)

A. 162

B. 161

C. 163

D. 160

Answer: A, B


You are trying to locate Microsoft Outlook Web Access Default Portal using Google search

on the Internet. What search string will you use to locate them?

A. allinurl:"exchange/logon.asp"

B. intitle:"exchange server"

C. locate:"logon page"

D. outlook:"search"

Answer: A


How many possible sequence number combinations are there in TCP/IP protocol?


A. 1 billion

B. 320 billion

C. 4 billion

D. 32 million

Answer: C


Jessica works as systems administrator for a large electronics firm. She wants to scan her

network quickly to detect live hosts by using ICMP ECHO Requests. What type of scan is

Jessica going to perform?

A. Tracert

B. Smurf scan

C. Ping trace

D. ICMP ping sweep

Answer: D


Tyler is setting up a wireless network for his business that he runs out of his home. He has

followed all the directions from the ISP as well as the wireless router manual. He does not

have any encryption set and the SSID is being broadcast. On his laptop, he can pick up the

wireless signal for short periods of time, but then the connection drops and the signal goes

away. Eventually the wireless signal shows back up, but drops intermittently. What could

be Tyler issue with his home wireless network?

A. Computers on his wired network

B. Satellite television

C. 2.4 Ghz Cordless phones

D. CB radio

Answer: C


You are working on a thesis for your doctorate degree in Computer Science. Your thesis is

based on HTML, DHTML, and other web-based languages and how they have evolved over

the years. You navigate to and view the HTML code of You then

navigate to the current website and copy over the source code. While searching


through the code, you come across something abnormal: <img

src= width=1 height=1 border=0>.What have

you found?

A. Web bug

B. CGI code

C. Trojan.downloader

D. Blind bug

Answer: A


Software firewalls work at which layer of the OSI model?

A. Application

B. Network

C. Transport

D. Data Link

Answer: D


On Linux/Unix based Web servers, what privilege should the daemon service be run under?

A. Guest

B. Root

C. You cannot determine what privilege runs the daemon service

D. Something other than root

Answer: D



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