Set-up for the Victor Quick-Kill Mouse Trap is quick and easy. Simply fill the covered bait trough with bait, pull back the kill bar until it clicks into position, and place it against walls or any other locations that mice likely travel. This trap is convenient for indoor and outdoor use.

Whew, it's been a crazy weekend here. A surgery, a wedding, a child's birthday party... I'm in total recovery mode today. But I wanted to take a few minutes here to share with you one of the little tricks I picked up several years ago and used just this past week - "killing" acrylic yarn!

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Killing acrylic is taking blocking to the extreme and fatal end. It's something I'd never ever do to a sweater or shawl or slippers or anything I wanted to have stretch. But for a select few items, killing them is exactly what I mean to do!

I didn't kill the straps - I wanted those to remain springy and stretchy for tying the masks on - but the front masks themselves turned out just right. The kids (and a few adults) seemed quite pleased, and I was too. Have you ever intentionally killed an acrylic project? What projects do you think could be improved with this technique?

Hello and thanks for the tutorial!

I just have a quick question. I want to kill an acrylic blanket square that I made to give it more drape as it turned out a bit stiff It has colorwork on it, though, and I'm not sure if the killing process will melt the colors together and ruin the picture or if its safe to do this to it.

Thanks so much!

I made a couple of angels Christmas tree ornaments for a friend who ordered them. This is a sentimental project, in memory of a child she lost, so I want it to be exactly right. Rather than hanging nicely, the angels droop and twist as your masks did. But since I've never killed acrylic, I need a little extra confidence boost here. If I use this method, will the texture and crocheted look of the angels still be present?

Hello Tamara,

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing how to do acrylic killer. This is my first time working with a pattern that called for blocking and with your step by step it made it easy to do and my shawl came out wonderful.

If you do the wet cloth, you'll end up killing the acrylic - this might be a good thing, or a bad thing... you'd have to do a swatch of the pattern first to find out! Getting it wet and blocking it with pins might be the gentler, better solution in this case.

Thank you so much for referring to my tutorial on blocking acrylic -- just as important when knitting lace in acrylic as it is wool! I love the way your masks turned out -- thanks for your tutorial on "killing" acrylic!

Here I go! There's a picture post wet-blocking that clearly did nothing for my acrylic, stockinette/slip stitched scarf in my Rav project page: -tread-scarf. I hope killing the acrylic will flatten it out a bit. I'll report back...

I know you wouldn't normally do it for clothing items but I'm making a loose, open stitch lacy beach cover up/cardigan for my holidays and its a bit you think if I killed it it would be cooler and more like lace?

Thank you for your tutorials. I find them simple to follow and appreciate your teaching techniques. I stumbled upon this one and am wondering if killing the acrylic would stiffen a yarn tote bag to make it sturdier and less likely to stretch. What do you think? Any suggestions for a newbie?

Good morning! Thanks for this info about "killing" acrylic yarn. I just finished this elephant rug and because of the lacy stitches it's a bit bunchy in places and blocking didn't do much. I used Caron One Pound yarn that is 100% acrylic. Would you suggest trying the "killing" if it's only needed in a few particular sections or would you think that it's better to do the whole thing vs. just one section?

I would try steaming it first - once it's killed, there's no coming back from it. If steaming doesn't work, I'd try killing a swatch of the fabric before the finished piece, to see if it's the effect you really want.

I know this sounds like a common question and I should be able to find answer in archives. Tried looking for some, but couldn't find. All the responses look very lengthy. Any 1-liner to kill a process in linux including all its children processes.

Can confirm this.

On some weeks with this challenge I've had the allies complete the challenge for me on their own, as in we go into a tile and before I can kill anything the challenge dings as completed.

I present to you "kill 5 Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground" - which is only not easy because spawns are intermittent, the criteria as to what counts and doesn't is inconsistent and several cases of what should count simply do not.

Quick-Kill Weed Killer Spray provides rapid knockdown and killing power for weeds and unwanted vegetation in and around buried cable closures, telephone booths, cross-connect boxes, transformer pads, and fire plugs. The special upside-down spray button provides an easy and accurate application on unwanted vegetation in hard-to-reach areas. This ready-to-use formula requires no measuring or mixing which is convenient and prevents risk of overexposure. Contains 2, 4-D, and Bromacil. This combination insures a non-selective rapid top kill of all weeds and will also prevent future growth for up to one growing season. Quick-Kill Weed Killer Spray is a great product for industrial plants, loading docks, parking lots, fence rows, storage yards, tank farms, and railroad sidings. Use to control and kill weeds such as johnson grass, foxtail, crabgrass, barnyard grass, dandelions, weeds, lambs quarter, and broomsedge. EPA registered solvent-based weed killer.

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Also Known as Quick Fire, I was told by an 0ld Gun Smith on another forum that this technique was taught by Luchy McDaniel, Quote by H Jack Belk; [Quick Fire was Lucky McDaniel's system of shooting. He puffed thrown aspirin tablets with a Model 62A a magazine straight. Flipped pennies really zing when hit, too.

I taught Quick Fire and Train Fire at Benning in '66 and 67.

Show the brain what you want and it'll do the calculations for you automatically. See the BB and the target and the brain will bring them together automatically. Skeet and trap shooters that can see the shot string are always great shooters. Notice pro pigeon shooters use nickle or copper plated shot. They say it kills faster.....]Un-Quote

All fish that are caught for eating must be handled carefully to reduce stress and humanely killed as soon as possible after capture. Humane killing requires that the fish is stunned (rendered instantaneously insensible) before being bled out.

Spiking involves driving a sharp spike (such as an ice pick or a sharpened screwdriver) into the brain of the fish. The spike should be placed in a position to penetrate the brain of the fish and then pushed quickly and firmly into the skull. The impact of the spike should produce immediate unconsciousness. The spike should then be moved from side to side to destroy the brain. Visit for a detailed description of this process.

The following methods are not suitable for killing fish as they do not result in a rapid or humane death: chilling with ice in holding water, carbon dioxide in holding water; chilling with ice and carbon dioxide in holding water; salt or ammonia baths; asphyxiation by removal from water; bleeding out without stunning.

Of course my normal FPS strategy didn't work very well with Big Daddies (take cover, peek out, unload the kitchen sink at the enemy, take cover again) and when I did occasionally manage to kill them, I had expended so much ammo, first aid kits and Eve that it was hardly worth it. Nor was I getting a sense that any one particular weapon worked better than others. (They all seemed equally useless.) So most of my early encounters with Big Daddies involved dashing hysterically around the halls of Rapture looking for something to cower behind, taking wild pot shots with whatever weapon I had currently loaded while yelling at the monitor every ten seconds, "How the #$%@ do you take these damn things down?!?"

Eventually I realized that the old run-and-shoot was the hard way to kill Big Daddies. This method invariably ends up turning into a war of attrition (albeit brief) in which the guy wearing the metal helmet shooting rivets and hucking explosives or stamping the floor and charging at you with a big drill always wins.

Bouncers and Rosies come in two different classes: 'regular' and Elite. Elite-class Big Daddies sport a kind of a fancy red suit, appear later on in the game and are tougher to kill than the regular class of Big Daddies.

Here are a list of methods to kill Big Daddies that cover both the expensive (using your ammo) and the inexpensive (using the Bioshock environment). The latter of these two you'll want to use when you're taking down a Big Daddy just to loot his corpse for cash (Big Daddy corpses are always loaded with cash). All these methods were tested on the medium difficulty setting in Bioshock.

This is the most popular method to kill a Big Daddy in Bioshock but also an expensive one. Basically what you're going to do is build a bomb and then huck it at the Big Daddy using your Telekinesis plasmid.

That's it. Expensive but effective. If it's a Rosie Big Daddy on earlier levels, it should be an instant kill. If it's an Elite Bouncer, it'll take off about 2/3 of his hit points and you should be able to finish him off easily with the grenade launcher or the shotgun. e24fc04721

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