How to Fix a Dock Ramp to a Trailer

With many loading docks, it is important to know how to attach a loading ramp to a trailer to ensure that the transition between the ramp and the vehicle is safe for forklifts to safely unload or load the cargo. Different Kijeka Dock Ramp We have different methods of hooking up trucks and trailers. At Kijeka Engineers we are aware of these methods and integrate them into our ramps if necessary.

Types of Connections for Dock Ramps and Trailers

Depending on the type of ramp you have, the type of traffic it will travel between the ramp and the vehicle, and the vehicles that are unloaded, the method of attaching the loading ramp to a vehicle will differ. There are three main types of transition points that can be integrated into a ramp to connect it to a trailer for safe loading and unloading. These types of connections include:

Dock ramp, loading ramp india, forklift ramp india, ramp for loading truck, mobile dock ramp, loading ramp for truck, portable loading ramp,

Transition Plates

Transition plates are among the easiest options to use when loading and unloading goods. Because they are 16 inches long, they offer a kind of ramp for forklifts and pallet trucks to get in and out of a trailer. The transition plates work on a hinge that allows them to be raised and lowered manually.

6” Dock Overlap Strips

Short overlap strips are supplied with most loading ramp india and allow forklifts, pallet trucks and people to enter and exit a truck or trailer without a gap between the vehicle and the ramp. moving around a shipyard a lot and dealing only with falling trucks.

Integrated Dock Leveler

An integrated loading ramp is an excellent tool for transitioning between a loading dock and a trailer. Integrated rubber bumpers help prevent the trailer and ramp from being damaged. Mechanisms within the loading ramp allow for range. wider height adjustment, making it easy to attach a trailer to a ramp.

If you would like more information on how to attach a forklift ramp india to a trailer, or if you have any questions about the loading ramps in our warehouse or the services we offer, please contact us